CategoryFinding readers

9th of December 2015 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

PB070: How to Drive Traffic and Profit in your Blogging with Autoresponders

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Use Autoresponders to Fast Track Engagement & Profit Today’s episode is part 5 of the new ‘Today, Not Someday’ podcast series. The focus is actioning your ‘someday’ list, the things you’ve always wanted to do to improve ...more
Finding readers
7th of December 2015 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

PB069: Create an Opt-In to Increase Your Email Subscriber Numbers

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Get Readers Excited to Join and Stay on Your Email List Today’s episode is part 4 of the new ‘Today, Not Someday’ podcast series. The focus is actioning your ‘someday’ list, the things you’ve always wanted to ...more
Building Community
PB068: How to Increase Your Email List Subscribers By 100% Or More Today
4th of December 2015 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

PB068: How to Increase Your Email List Subscribers By 100% Or More Today

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How I Increased the Subscriber Rate on My Blogs by 80-1000% Today’s episode is the second of the new ‘Today, Not Someday’ podcast series. The focus is actioning your ‘someday’ list, the things you’ve always wanted to ...more
Building Community
1st of December 2015 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

PB066: 10 Things You Can Do Today that Will Pay Off On Your Blog Forever

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. Introducing The New ‘Today, Not Someday’ Series of Podcasts Today’s episode is the first in a new series of podcasts about what you can do to make your blog ready for success. The focus will be ...more
Building Community
PB062: How I Lost 80% of my Blog Traffic Overnight and How You Can Stop It Happening to You
16th of November 2015 Mario 0 Comments

PB062: How I Lost 80% of my Blog Traffic Overnight and How You Can Stop It Happening to You

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Diversify Your Blog Traffic Sources to Make Your Blog Stronger Today’s episode is about how I almost lost my blogging business overnight. It was right after I had decided to blog full time and had quit ...more
Finding readers
PB061: How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog
12th of November 2015 Mario 0 Comments

PB061: How to Build a Culture of Community on Your Blog

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. 7 Practical Strategies for Building Community With Your Blog Today’s episode is about how to build relationships with the readers on your blog. Having a community around your blog gives your blog social proof and makes your blog ...more
Building Community
PB060: Why You Should Make Building Community a Priority in Your Blogging
9th of November 2015 Mario 0 Comments

PB060: Why You Should Make Building Community a Priority in Your Blogging

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Make Your Blog Stronger by Interacting With Your Readers Today’s episode is about how to deepen relationships with your readers on your blog. One of the most common questions I get from my readers is ...more
Building Community
PB059: What Should I Blog About? 15 Questions to Ask to Help Identify Your Blogging Niche or Focus
6th of November 2015 Mario 0 Comments

PB059: What Should I Blog About? 15 Questions to Ask to Help Identify Your Blogging Niche or Focus

How to Decide What Your Blog Should Be About Today’s episode is all about how to decide on the focus topic for your blog. Having a niche topic for your blog helps you focus but it also helps new readers find you and current readers to understand more easily what you and your ...more
Finding readers
PB055: How to Promote Yourself Without Coming Across as a Jerk
22nd of October 2015 Mario 0 Comments

PB055: How to Promote Yourself Without Coming Across as a Jerk

Note: you can listen to this episode above or load it up in iTunes. How to Let People Know What You Have to Offer Without Being Annoying Today’s episode is all about how to promote yourself without coming across as an arrogant jerk. It’s in response to a question from ...more
Finding readers