CategoryBuilding Community

Wooden building blocks featuring blue comment icons, stacked on top of each other.
7th of March 2024 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Engaging Your Audience: How Building on Reader Comments Can Fuel Your Blog’s Growth

Maintaining Momentum in Blogging Series Blogging thrives on conversation. It’s not just about broadcasting your ideas; it’s about sparking dialogue and engaging with your community. One of the most vibrant places for these interactions is often overlooked—the comment section. As we continue “maintaining momentum” on your blog, let’s explore a ...more
Building Community
22nd of September 2022 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

10 Techniques to Get More Comments on Your Blog

Only 1 out of every 100 Readers Comment on your Blog A Jakob Nielsen study once found that 90% of online community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing) with only 9% of users contributing ‘a little’ and 1% actively contributing. Are only 1% of your blog’s users are ...more
Build Community
13 tips for promoting yourself without sounding like a jerk
30th of July 2020 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

13 Tips for Promoting Yourself Without Sounding like a Jerk

This post is based on episode 55 of the ProBlogger podcast. So you’ve been blogging in your niche for a while now. And the more you’ve written about it, the more you’ve learned. You’re now considered somewhat of an expert in your field. And your archive backs that up, with lots ...more
Building Community
Get more comments on your blog posts more often
16th of May 2018 Ali Luke 0 Comments

Five Ways to Encourage Readers to Comment More Often on Your Posts

This post is by ProBlogger writing expert Ali Luke Do you wish more readers would comment on your blog posts? Some bloggers think commenting is dead. And while that’s not the whole picture, there may be some truth in it. When I started blogging back in 2008, Twitter and Facebook were ...more
Building Community
19th of March 2018 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

239: 3 Principles of Building an Engaged Blog Audience

How to Develop an Engaged Blog Audience In today’s episode I want to talk about building engagement on your blog, and building a sense of community around it and your online business. Building engagement is so important for your blog. It helps word-of-mouth growth, gives you energy, builds social proof ...more
Building Community
6 reasons why your blog needs an email newsletter
30th of August 2017 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

6 Reasons Why Your Blog Needs an Email Newsletter

Do you email your blog readers regularly? Maybe you put ‘set up email newsletter’ on your ‘someday’ list ages ago, but still haven’t done it. Or maybe you have a newsletter list, but you haven’t sent one in months. You might think it’s optional – something you can do once you ...more
Building Community
6th of March 2017 Mario 0 Comments

183: 9 Types of Questions to Ask On Your FaceBook Page to Get More Comments

The 9 Questions You Can Ask to Increase FaceBook Engagement In today’s lesson, I want to give you some really practical things that you can do to increase engagement – particularly to get people to comment – on your Facebook page and if you have them – groups. Most bloggers ...more
Building Community
13th of February 2017 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

180: 7 Types of Facebook Live Videos that Grow Your Audience, Build Your Brand and Make Money

Ways to Use Facebook Live to Grow Your Blog In today’s lesson, I want to talk about Facebook live video which is a technology that has been around for a while now on Facebook and that I think continues to be something that bloggers could get a lot of value ...more
Building Community
20th of June 2016 Mario 0 Comments

PB125: How to Handle Critical and Attacking Comments from Blog Readers

Handling Critical Comments and Attacks from Blog Readers In my recent podcast on the characteristics of successful blogging, I touched on the topic a couple of times of putting yourself out there for public comment and critique. I suggested that having a bit of a thick skin might be useful ...more
Building Community