CategoryFeatured Posts

Lessons for Bloggers From The ‘Death of 2007’
The following guest post was submitted by Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian from Money.Power.Wisdom. And so another year draws to an end. The ‘death of 2007’ sparks off a line of thinking that will add value to your 2008. It’s about burying the dead past – after learning every lesson possible from it, ...more
Featured Posts

How to Maximize the Benefits of Guest Posting
Publishing guest posts on popular blogs is a tried and tested way to get inbound links and traffic. There are certain things you can do to make this experience even more rewarding. In this post, I want to share a number of methods you can use to maximize the rewards ...more
Blog Promotion

Why You SHOULD use AdSense on Your Blog
In this post I’ll explore some of the reasons why bloggers should consider using AdSense as a way to make money from blogging. I recently released a video post which explained some of my reasoning for stopping to use AdSense as a means to make money from ProBlogger. The post ...more

Where’s the Content? – Positioning Ads on Your Blog
Here’s a quick tip on ad placement that I’d like to pass onto bloggers – particularly those experimenting with AdSense. Ensure that your content can be seen above the fold. That is – ensure it’s above the fold if you want readers to keep coming back to your blog. One ...more

Are Affiliate Programs with Small Payouts Worth It?
Today this question about affiliate programs landed in my inbox: “Darren, could you answer a question for me? I notice that a couple of weeks ago you promoted Leo’s Zen to Done ebook with an affiliate link. I was surprised that you did this because the commission from it is ...more
Affiliate Programs

How to Keep Your Subscribers Forever
One thing you may have noticed is that your blog’s feed count is volatile: it fluctuates on a day to day basis. While much of that depends on how many people read your feed in a given day, some of that is also people both subscribing and unsubscribing. If you ...more
Featured Posts

6 Steps to Making Money Because of Your Blog
Bloggers make money from blogging in an every increasing array of ways – but in general they can be broken down into: making money directly from their blog (where the blog makes money – typically from advertising or affiliate programs) making money indirectly because of their blog (where the blogger ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How Much Money Do Bloggers Earn Blogging?
Earlier in the month I asked readers to share their blog earnings for the month of October. As usual this poll was a popular one with 3054 responses. I’ve run this survey previously so will compare the results between this and last time I ran it below. Of this number ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How Does Your Comment Policy Affect Your Readership?
This guest post was submitted by Elise Bauer, Publisher of Simply Recipes and Editor-in-Chief of Learning Movable Type Read blogs long enough and one thing will begin to stand out is the varying tenor and quality of comments on different blogs. When I first started publishing my own blogs and ...more
Featured Posts