CategoryFeatured Posts

Reasons to Have a Vanity Folder in Your News Aggregator
One of the important features of my daily blogging routine is to check my ‘Vanity Folder’ in Google Reader (my news aggregator of choice). The reason I call it my Vanity folder is that it’s a folder that is absolutely and completely dedicated to…. well me. The purpose of the ...more
Featured Posts

Value Blogging: A New Model For Success?
In this post regular contributer Skellie from explores the idea of building successful blogs by giving readers value. What do ProBlogger, Lifehacker, Seth Godin’s Blog, Copyblogger, Dosh Dosh,, MAKE blog, Zen Habits, 43 Folders, Pronet Advertising and Coding Horror all have in common? Yes, they’re all in the ...more
Featured Posts

How to Pitch to Bloggers – 21 Tips
One of the challenges that many bloggers face once they become established and grow a profile in their niche is that they become the target of ‘pitches’ – or people emailing to ask them to do ‘stuff’. These ‘pitches’ can be on any number of fronts including: announcing new products/services ...more
Featured Posts

The Benefits of Being Featured in Mainstream Media
What impact does being featured in a mainstream media publication have upon a blog? Skellie asked in comments about what type of traffic a mention in a mainstream media story can bring into a blog. I answered in the comments on the post but thought it might be something worth ...more
Featured Posts

15 Things I’d Love to See Ad Networks and Affiliate Programs Do to Help Us Earn More Money Blogging
I write quite a lot about what works in the ad networks that I use to make money from my blogs – but sometimes there are some little niggling problems with ad networks and affiliate programs that can be quite annoying. Today I thought I’d compile a short ‘ProBlogger Wishlist’ ...more

Competition: Create a Slogan for Bloggers Hit by the Page Rank Slam of October 07
Lets lighten the mood around here a little and have a little fun with this whole Page Rank Update – it’s time for a competition. The winner gets a 3 month subscription to Brian’s new Teaching Sells program – worth $97. If you’ve already bought it then you get a ...more
Featured Posts

“This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” says Brian Clark on Page Rank Decreases
An Interview with Brian Clark Yesterday when I posted that the new Teaching Sells resource has just launched I mentioned that I would have an interview with one of it’s founders Brian Clark from Copyblogger. Brian has understandably had a pretty hectic few days – but was generous enough to ...more
Featured Posts

Going Beyond the Blog – How to Extend Your Blog
This post was written by Aditya Mahesh of BlogOnExpo, a free digital conference for bloggers that will feature sessions about blogging and interviews with Darren Rowse from ProBlogger, RandFishkin of SEOmoz, and others. The conference kicks off on December 1st, 2007. You have a successful blog. You post on a ...more
Featured Posts

Are 125 x 125 pixel Ads Right for Your Blog?
Over the past 6 to 12 months the 125 x 125 pixel advertisement has emerged onto the blogging scene as a fairly common means of advertising. I don’t know who did it first – but there are hundreds (if not thousands) of blogs using it. Some of the more prominent ...more