CategoryFeatured Posts

How To Be A Happier, Healthier Blogger
Can Blogging Be a Health Hazard? If so, how can you prevent it happening to you? In this guest post Lea Woodward from Location Independent explores how to be a happier and healthier blogger. Ok, so you might not think that blogging is a health hazard but it’s not so ...more
Featured Posts

Readers vs Visitors – Whose Needs are You Meeting?
The following post on meeting the needs of Readers and Visitors is a guest post by Lorelle VanFossen of Lorelle on WordPress. Smashing Magazine asks Who Is Your Visitor?, using some new research into the preferences and characteristics of the average visitor to your blog and website. However, since you’d ...more
Featured Posts

Haiku Blogging
In this post Leo Babauta from Zen Habits explores the art of minimalistic blogging. I don’t think there’s a blogger among us — from full-time Pro Bloggers like Darren to the part-time, trying-to-squeeze-in-blogging-around-my-full-time-job-and-my-family bloggers like the rest of us — who have unlimited time for blogging. And yet, if we ...more
Featured Posts

How I Make Money Blogging
Below you’ll find my latest update on how I make money blogging (this is something I post about every few months – although it’s been a over six months since I last did it ). Also note – I go into a lot of detail on how I make money ...more
Blogging for Dollars

How to Transform Readers Into Raving Fans
In this post regular contributer Skellie from explains how you can turn readers into fans. The notion of ‘raving fans’ brings to mind a screaming crowd at a Beatles concert. For bloggers, a more accurate version of a ‘raving fan’ is someone who raves about you — recommending your ...more
Featured Posts

Would You Blog Differently If You Had Money?
Anne Waymen asks a question that’s got me thinking a little today – Would You Still Write If You Had A Million Dollars? On Saturday night I was at a party and had a fascinating chat with a guy who had his own business. We were swapping stories about our ...more
Featured Posts

Blog Promotion: Are You Preaching to the Converted or Are You Reaching Out to New Readers?
Today John Chow just made a post reflecting upon a competition that he ran with Shoemoney to see who could get the most new RSS readers in a month. Over the month both John and Jeremy had some great success at increasing their numbers – both by over 4600 and ...more
Featured Posts

11 Tips for Getting Your Comments Noticed on a Popular Blog
One of the comments on this week’s post – The Power of Commenting on Blogs – was from The Great Seducer who asked: “Do you have any suggestions for commenting in a way that will draw interest to you? Obviously an insightful comment is the best plan…. but when there ...more
Featured Posts

Grip Your Readers With These 7 Knock-out Opening Sentences
In this post regular contributer Skellie from explains how a great opening sentence can draw readers into your blog posts. You might not want to hear this, but a killer headline simply isn’t enough. To be effective, every great headline — like the punch of any legendary boxer — ...more
Featured Posts