CategoryAffiliate Programs

Why Are Your Affiliate Promotions Not Converting?
I had an email this morning from a blogger who has built a great loyal readership to their blog and who has been attempting to monetize that readership lately by doing some affiliate promotions on that blog. The problem – nobody is buying anything that they promote. I spent a ...more
Affiliate Programs

What Links to Use in Your Affiliate Marketing Emails
This article is based on ProBlogger Podcast 107. This question comes in from Scott who asks, “I want to try my hand at some affiliate promotions and have selected an ebook to promote. I’ve heard you say that your affiliate promotions work best when you email your list, but I’m ...more
Affiliate Programs

How to Make Money on Your Blog by Becoming an Affiliate
This post is based on episode 72 of the ProBlogger podcast. We often talk about making money by creating products and selling them on your blog. But you can also make good money helping other people sell their products by coming an affiliate. How good? Well, over the years I’ve earned ...more
Affiliate Programs

My Results with Testing Amazon OneLink to Monetise International Traffic
One of the first income streams I experimented with on my blogs was Amazon’s Associates program. I’ve written extensively on my tips with making money through this affiliate program in my Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Affiliate Program. But today I want to update you on the results of experimenting ...more
Affiliate Programs

How to Increase your Amazon Affiliate Earnings for the Holidays
If you’re anything like most of the western world at the moment, you’ve got shopping on the brain. Chances are, so do your readers! The peak consumption time around Christmas is usually a peak earning time for those of us who are affiliate sellers. I always have a spike of income ...more
Affiliate Programs

A 3-Step Blueprint for Smart Affiliate Marketing
This is a guest contribution from Anil Agarwal. Building a blog that gets huge traffic isn’t necessarily hard, but converting that traffic into sales can be. Most people think they can make a living online by increasing their website traffic. In reality, though, it’s not about any old traffic- it has ...more
Affiliate Programs

How I Made over $500,000 with the Amazon Affiliate Program
Six months into blogging, I realised that this hobby of mine was going to need some kind of income stream, and I happened to come across the Amazon Affiliate program, where I would earn a small commission on their products I recommended. Twelve years later, I’ve earned over half a ...more
Affiliate Programs

When Affiliate Marketing Can Be a WIN/WIN/WIN Situation
Several years ago on my photography site I was approached by a company who sold a software product for photographers. They wanted to run a banner ad campaign on my site to promote a new product. Their product was a quality one from a source I trusted and it was ...more
Affiliate Programs

5 Ways to Prepare Your Blog for Affiliate Selling
This a guest contribution from full time affiliate marketer, Nrupen Masram. Using your blog to earn a passive income through affiliate sales is something many bloggers aspire to. Isn’t it? But you won’t make money if you don’t get visitors to your site and you won’t get that consistent traffic until ...more
Affiliate Programs