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31DBBB Day 14: Update a Key Page

Here we are, day 14 – two full weeks of tips to help you create the best blog possible, and plenty more to come!

Although this week we’ve covered social media, forums and groups, alerts, brainstorming, editorial calendars and even getting off your blog to find inspiration, we haven’t talked much about the static pages on your blog.

And that is what todays episode is all about!

Often these pages get left behind in the day-to-day grind of churning out fresh content. But think – how long has it been since they were updated? Are they full of old information? Do you have much of a schedule for updating them? I know that every time I check mine, there’s always something that needs changing.

In today’s show I run through a few types of pages you can make changes to and what you might need to change. There’s a lot to think about and plenty of tiny little items you should get in the habit of checking. I also touch on the need to update (and how) those posts you wrote years ago that still get high traffic – what can you do to bring them into 2015?

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Click here to listen to day two of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog series on the ProBlogger Podcast. 

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I’m huge on updating pages Darren. I just added a Page in the form of a Landing Style deal for my newsletter. This one was new but nudged me to re-assess my about and as seen on pages for adding key, relevant information. Our stories change over time. So do our results, and as our writing improves allow your improvements to bleed through your pages.

    I recall visiting my old blog once a few years ago. I felt horrified on reading my about page ;) My writing had improved a great deal yet I never edited the page over years. Wow. Not representative of myself and my brand. Lesson learned from that blog, and a nice reminder for every blogger out there.

    Thanks Darren!


  2. I agree that updating pages especially the pages that people really need. I have build several mini guides that included an opt in at the bottom. The site is new and traffic is rolling in. Thanks to this tip. I will be updating these mini guide pages from the to time.

    Thanks Darren.

  3. are you specifically talking about going back to old blog posts and webpages in aiding more content to them, and perhaps modifying the title of the post and adding a hash tag or two?

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