Darren Rowse

3 High-Powered Reader Engagement Tactics
In this guest post Jonathan Fields from the Career Renegade takes a look at three types of blog posts that will Engage your readers. Three words… Engage. Engage. Engage. It’s the rally cry of great blogging. Heck, it’s the touchstone of powerful writing in general. When it comes to blogging, ...more
Writing Content

If Marilyn Monroe was a Blogger What Would She Do?
Today Mara Rogers from Secrets for Money looks at how Marilyn Monroe would blog. If Marilyn Monroe was a Blogger, what would she do? Here are some quotations from famous classic silver screen stars, and what I imagine their advice to all us bloggers would be. So just sit back, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How a Blogger Creates a REAL Full-Time Income
Internet Marketers and Bloggers are often seen as two very different types of online entrepreneurs. In this guest post David Risley looks at these two worlds and suggests some middle ground. One of the questions I get very often when I tell people what I do for a living is ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Develop a Twitter Landing Page
Over the weekend I created a landing page for my Twitter account. I got the idea off Laura Fitton (@pistachio) when a guest post on TwiTip highlighted what she’d done with her own Who is @pistachio landing page. What is a Twitter Landing Page? In short – a twitter landing ...more
Social Media

Plugins Plugins Plugins (of the WordPress Variety)
Andy Beal has posted a great list of 21 WordPress plugins that he uses and recommends. Check it out at 21 Awesome WordPress Plugins That I Selfishly Kept to Myself Until Today. There are a few others that I’ve included in my own recent list – 10 WordPress Plugins for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Increase Amazon Sales with Best Seller and Popular Product Lists
This week we’ve been looking at a variety of techniques to help you increase your blogs earnings in the lead up to Christmas. Today I want to share 2 similar techniques that I’ve used in the last week that is a big part of tripling my Amazon earnings for the ...more
Affiliate Programs

5 Tips for Making Widget Ads Perform Better on Your Blog
In my last post I talked about 4 Widget Ad options that bloggers should test in the lead up to Christmas – in this post I want to give a few quick tips for beginners to keep in mind as they test and optimize these types of ads. 1. Keep ...more

4 Widget Ad Options to Make Money on Your Blog This Christmas
Lets continue the Christmas theme from the last post on increasing Christmas earnings with Amazon with a quick look at four widget style ad networks and affiliate tools that are great to experiment with in the lead up to Christmas. Remember – this is a time of year where those ...more

9 SEO Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Do you want to increase the search engine ranking of your WordPress blog? Check out these 9 SEO WordPress plugins that Shawn Jooste from Elite Blogger has pulled together for us. The best place by far to find traffic is from search engines. The art of Search Engine Optimization is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services