CategorySocial Media

Develop a Twitter Landing Page
19th of December 2008 Darren Rowse 79 Comments

Develop a Twitter Landing Page

Over the weekend I created a landing page for my Twitter account. I got the idea off Laura Fitton (@pistachio) when a guest post on TwiTip highlighted what she’d done with her own Who is @pistachio landing page. What is a Twitter Landing Page? In short – a twitter landing ...more
Social Media
Beginners Guide to Sphinn
4th of December 2008 Darren Rowse 19 Comments

Beginners Guide to Sphinn

This is a guest post by Deanna deBara from Recently, I did my first guest post (ever) over at Remarkablogger. I got such great feedback on “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter“, I decided to follow up with a guide on a site even more important to those in SEO ...more
Social Media
Characteristics of Traffic Generating Posts
2nd of December 2008 Darren Rowse 40 Comments

Characteristics of Traffic Generating Posts

When I set TwiTip up look after itself over the weekend (I set up a few posts to go live at specific times) I wasn’t expecting it to be a huge weekend of traffic. The posts were good – but there were less than during the week and past history ...more
Blog Promotion
Search, Social and Direct Traffic – [TRAFFIC ANALYSIS]
18th of November 2008 Darren Rowse 71 Comments

Search, Social and Direct Traffic – [TRAFFIC ANALYSIS]

This morning I spent a little time doing some analysis (using Google Analytics) of the traffic coming into my main blog – Digital Photography School. My analysis was stimulated by a question from a reader who in response to last week’s two posts examining the place of Digg and Social ...more
Blog Promotion
Why Bloggers Should Consider Social Bookmarking Sites Like Digg
13th of November 2008 Darren Rowse 58 Comments

Why Bloggers Should Consider Social Bookmarking Sites Like Digg

Earlier in the week I published a post titled Skip Digg: Not All Traffic is Created Equal. In that post I mentioned that I’d follow up the post with some arguements FOR using Digg by a top Digg user. Today social media expert Muhammad Saleem tackles that very topic. You ...more
Blog Promotion
Skip Digg: Not All Traffic is Created Equal
10th of November 2008 Darren Rowse 100 Comments

Skip Digg: Not All Traffic is Created Equal

Today I want to publish the first half of a ‘debate’. The topic is whether bloggers should promote their content on Digg. In this post Josh Klein argues the negative. Later in the week I’ve asked a big Digg users to tackle the flip side. If you’re promoting on Digg, ...more
Blog Promotion
10 Ways to Find Readers for Your Blog By Leveraging Other Online Presence
1st of November 2008 Darren Rowse 88 Comments

10 Ways to Find Readers for Your Blog By Leveraging Other Online Presence

One of the simplest ways to grow your blog’s readership is to leverage other places that you have an online presence. Leveraging places that you have presence online could include: 1. Twitter Background Image: I’ve been using a background image on Twitter that has URLs of other places that I’m ...more
Blog Promotion
Feeling Overwhelmed by Social Media and Web 2.0? – Here Are 5 Tips For You
18th of October 2008 Darren Rowse 104 Comments

Feeling Overwhelmed by Social Media and Web 2.0? – Here Are 5 Tips For You

Last week I spoke with a blogger who had thrown the towel in on his blog. One day he simply stopped posting with no explanation. I emailed to ask him why he stopped and his response was: “I can’t keep up with the advances in technology. Every day there is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
If you have a spare 55 minutes and 33 seconds this weekend….
12th of October 2008 Darren Rowse 33 Comments

If you have a spare 55 minutes and 33 seconds this weekend….

Produced by Dr. Micael Wesch and his team at Kansas State University – via David.
Social Media