An Introduction to Landing Pages for Bloggers – An Interview with Tim Paige from LeadPages
If converting traffic to subscribers is high on your list of priorities, you won’t want to miss today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, where I chat with “Conversion Educator” Tim Paige of LeadPages. Getting better conversions on our websites is something I think bloggers really need to know, and Tim ...more
PB099: An Introduction to Landing Pages for Bloggers – An Interview with Tim Paige from LeadPages
Note: this episode is available to listen to in the player above, on iTunes and Stitcher. Strategies for Better Conversions with Tim Paige from LeadPages Today I am speaking with Tim Paige. Tim is the conversion educator for LeadPages. With LeadPages, you can publish an optimized landing page in five ...more
Creating Content
5 Blogging Strategies I’m Betting on This Year
This is a guest contribution from Jerry Low. If you aren’t already blogging, this is the year to start. Blogging means improved visibility, more traffic, and more natural links. Keep in mind that 57% of companies that maintain an active presence on their blog have acquired a customer through blogging, ...more
Blog Promotion
Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately
Mixed news for you this week! Sad face about the Instagram algorithm, happy face about the Facebook Instant Articles WordPress Plugin! I also love the books for entrepreneurs (I’ve only read one, better get busy in that department!), and for the product launchers among us, plenty of tips from Michael ...more
Blog News
Is Blogging Really Dead? Here’s Why You Should Still Blog!
There’s plenty of other ways to spend your time, and certainly easier ways of making money – so why blog? What are the benefits, really? Isn’t everyone moving toward social media anyway? The questions all boil down to one thing (encapsulated by Marcus Boswell): what does the modern blogger get ...more
Community Discussion
PB098: Is Blogging Dead? Here’s Why You Should Blog!
Note: this episode is available to listen to in the player above, on iTunes and Stitcher. Blogging is Alive and Well and Remains Relevant Today, there are so many new mediums that people often ask if blogging is dead. I certainly don’t think blogging is dead, but it has changed. ...more
Creating Content
10 Distractions That Sabotage Your Blogging Success
This is a guest contribution from Peter Banerjea. It’s a thrilling vision, isn’t it? You – a popular blogger. Writing posts that attract dozens of comments and thousands of shares. Your fans waiting with bated breath for your next post to ping into their inboxes. But the reality couldn’t be more ...more
Writing Content
Four Social Media Game-Changers to be on the Lookout For
This is a guest contribution from Raeleen Hooper. Once upon a time, people feared public speaking above all things – even death. But it seems we have a new contender. According to a survey of 1000 people by UK internet security firm SecurEnvoy, two-thirds of people are afflicted by “nomophobia” – ...more
Social Media
How To Lift the Quality of Your Blog Posts with Embeddable Content
There is an incredible opportunity for bloggers that will help improve the quality of their content, serve their readers better, and potentially help their blog rank higher in search engines – and not everybody is making use of it! While as a judge in a recent blogging competition, I was asked ...more
Writing Content