CategoryCommunity Discussion

Community Discussion: How Do You Survey Your Readers?
As the end of the year nears, you might be thinking about plans for your blogging in 2018. One thing that will help inform that is a reader survey. On both ProBlogger and Digital Photography school I do an annual survey, usually around November. As we plan our surveys, I ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Are You Making Progress With Your Blogging?
Remember the 1st of January 2017? Did you decide “This is the year I’ll start a blog”? Or maybe you set some new blog goals for 2017, prompted by our community discussion? Well, guess what? We’re coming up to the last quarter of the year – just 3 more months remain ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Should Bloggers Ask For Donations?
Bloggers calling for donations or reader contributions like “buy me a beer” or “buy me a coffee” have been around for over ten years, as has the debate over whether they should. Now however, with more mainstream media putting up paywalls, the growth of subscription based content providers and the ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Community Discussion: Analysis of Your Most Popular Post
So here at ProBlogger we love to look at what has been successful and what hasn’t in terms of content, and learn from it. There is always something to be taken away from each experience, and it’s important to know the difference. There have been times when something unexpected has ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Making Money
One of the most popular topics on ProBlogger (if not the most searched-for item) is making money blogging, and how to go about it. There are so many ways of earning a living online, and we have almost just as much advice on how best to keep the dollars rolling ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Your One Thing for 2017
At the ProBlogger event on the Gold Coast last year, Darren motivated us all with his rallying cry to find one thing we want to do with our blogs, businesses, and lives. Just one thing that we would prioritise, measure all things against, and work hardest at among all the ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Do You Use a Schedule?
Perhaps you’re using a schedule right now? We can’t be everywhere online 24/7 (and really, who would want to be?) but our work benefits from being available for the people wherever they are in the world. I am a huge fan of scheduling, without it I wouldn’t have the work-life ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: What are Your Goals for 2017?
Ahhh can you feel that? The lively, motivating surge of new year energy. After my beach holiday over the Christmas break, and a recovery from that holiday since (we all need one, amirite?!), I am so ready to crack open the laptop and kick ass for 2017. Are you?! To ...more
Community Discussion

Community Discussion: Do You Take Time Off Your Blog at the End of the Year?
Sleigh bells are ringing, Christmas lists are being written, plans are being made – there’s an unmistakable buzz at the end of the year, and thoughts often turn to getting together with family, having some time off to recalibrate (and if you’re in Australia, spend some time in the very ...more
Community Discussion