The Site Speed and SEO Connection
From ProBlogger SEO expert Jim Stewart of Bloggers SEO Last year the Australian retailer Booktopia gave a presentation where they shared that speeding up their page load times by 1 second, equated to an extra $600,000 on the bottom line. Today, speed matters. Turning your blog into a highly optimised, relevant, platform ...more
Blog Promotion
Want Better Results? Treat Your Blog Like an Actual Business
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. There are millions of blogs on the internet. Some are nothing more than creative outlets for people who are interested in hobby blogging. Others are successful brands that produce millions of dollars in revenue each year. If you want your blog to ...more
Blogging for Dollars
191: Tools for Creating Great Visual Content for Your Blog
Making the Most of Tools, Apps and Services to Create Visual Content for Your Blog In today’s lesson, we’re going to talk tools for creating great visual content for your blog. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been exploring different types of content that you can use on your blog. ...more
Creating Content
The 9 Conversion Habits of the World’s Most Successful Bloggers
This is a guest contribution from John Stevens. Just how do they do it? From influencing millions to making millions, the world’s most successful bloggers manage to turn visitors into readers, readers into customers, and customers into fans without breaking a sweat. But is it all accidental, or is there any ...more
Blogging for Dollars
On-page SEO Tips: Three Things You Can Do Right Now
Here’s something you should have known by now – There are a number of aspects of a given web page that influence search engine rankings. And by optimizing these aspects (namely, on-page SEO), you will get higher rankings on search engines. Some of these factors which comprise on-page optimization include: ...more
Blog Promotion
190: How to Overcome Failure in 6 Steps
How to Move Through Failure in 6 Steps In today’s lesson, I want to talk about failure in business and how to move through it. I’ve been asked questions on this topic a number of times in the last few weeks and while it’s a topic most of us probably ...more
Increasing productivity
Bloggers to Watch in 2017
This is a guest contribution from Jade Craven. The blogosphere has changed so much over the past decade. I curated Bloggers To Watch column here on Problogger for four years and it is phenomenal how much has changed since I wrote my last post in 2012. In that time, popular ...more
Blog Networks
189: How to Create Amazing Videos for Your Blog Using Your Smartphone
Removing the Barriers to Create Video Content on Your Blog In today’s lesson, I’ve got some very practical and actionable information for you on how to shoot great video for your blog using your smartphone. As I’ve mentioned a few times lately in episodes – video is becoming one of ...more
Creating Content
3 Email List Building Techniques You Need To Use in 2017
This is a guest contribution from Jawad Khan. If you’re serious about blogging, I’m sure you’re already building an email list (or planning to do so) Since you’re a Problogger reader, I’m also assuming your knowledge and expertise in blogging is significantly higher than most newbies. So you’re well-aware that ...more
Blog Promotion