Guest Blogger

Want Better Results? Treat Your Blog Like an Actual Business
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. There are millions of blogs on the internet. Some are nothing more than creative outlets for people who are interested in hobby blogging. Others are successful brands that produce millions of dollars in revenue each year. If you want your blog to ...more
Blogging for Dollars

The 9 Conversion Habits of the World’s Most Successful Bloggers
This is a guest contribution from John Stevens. Just how do they do it? From influencing millions to making millions, the world’s most successful bloggers manage to turn visitors into readers, readers into customers, and customers into fans without breaking a sweat. But is it all accidental, or is there any ...more
Blogging for Dollars

3 Email List Building Techniques You Need To Use in 2017
This is a guest contribution from Jawad Khan. If you’re serious about blogging, I’m sure you’re already building an email list (or planning to do so) Since you’re a Problogger reader, I’m also assuming your knowledge and expertise in blogging is significantly higher than most newbies. So you’re well-aware that ...more
Blog Promotion

The Complete Guide to HTTP Codes and Redirects
HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP codes and redirects, are vital to your SEO efforts. Status code 400 and 500 errors can derail your web traffic, and cause Google Panda penalties. HTTP codes and redirects can be caused by DNS errors, server errors, and robots failure. “Sitemaps that contain bad URLs ...more
Search Engine Optimization

5 Blogging Tips From A Social Entrepreneur
This is a guest contribution from James Aschehoug. While the modern social entrepreneur may be heavily focused on ideals — whether they be ideological, concrete, or hopefully a mixture of both — it is necessary to use all of the relevant tools and technologies available to help your dream become a ...more
Build Community

Why Medium is the Best Marketing For Your Blog
Photo Credit: Pineapple Supply Co This is a guest contribution from Tiffany Sun of Rabbut. It’d always frustrate me after I publish a post on my blog. Simply because no one would respond or share it. Did I pick a boring topic? Did I not provide enough value to readers? ...more
Blog Promotion

The One Type Of Blog Post That Will Transform Your Blog Immediately
This is a guest contribution from Joe Elliott. How hard can it be when you start a new blog, you create crazy amounts of content and then you need to start generating traffic? You bust your butt off to get 20 posts so that you can say you are good ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Earn Extra Money Freelancing While Starting a Blog
This is a guest contribution from Kevin Balcker. You should already know that earning money with a blog does not happen overnight. It takes time, consistent publishing of great content, and unique smart ideas to make a blog take off. Depending on the niche you want to get in, ranking in ...more
Other Income Streams

5 Healthy Work Practices for a ProBlogger
As a part-time blogger and homeschooling mother of three, I often get asked: “How do you do it all?!” In the past, I usually ran through a few different answers: I have had a regular cleaner at times; I usually do my shopping online to save time; I rarely watch ...more