Darren Rowse
5 Ways I’m Using LinkedIn – to Drive Traffic, Build Community, Generate Sales and Build Influence
Not a day goes by when we don’t see Twitter and Facebook as being talked about as essential social networks for bloggers to be investing time into – but over the last few months I’ve been investing a little extra time into another social network – one that I wonder ...more
Social Media
Who Else Wants to Sell More Ebooks?
This morning I was doing some reports on eBbook sales over the last few years and it struck me how much difference there can be in terms of numbers of sales from one ebook to the next—even ebooks sold on the same blog. On dPS we have now launched six ...more
Other Income Streams
Building Blogs is Like Building Muscles
“Building blogs is like building muscles—in order for them to grow you need to use them.” I tweeted the above statement a few weeks back and it got so much traction I decided to create this video on the topic. The idea for the video came out of the a ...more
Video Posts
How to Get Affiliate Code from E-Junkie to Promote our Ebooks
Over the last few years here at ProBlogger we’ve released four different ProBlogger ebooks. We sell most of them to our readers directly, however a growing number of our products are sold through our affiliate program. By promoting our ebooks, you can earn a 40% commission on the sale price ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Thinking of Creating an eBook? Here’s a System to Guide You Through It
If there’s one question that I get asked more than any other at the moment it is about eBooks. In fact there are three main questions that I’m asked on the topic of eBooks more than any other: How do I create content for eBooks? How do I design beautiful ...more
Other Income Streams
The Team Behind My Blogs: From Solo Blogger to Business
One of the requests that I’ve received a fair bit lately from readers here at ProBlogger is for me to write a little more on the team I’ve put together to help me run and grow my blogs. So today I thought I’d tell a bit of that back story. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
ProBlogger’s Guide to Blogging for Your Business
Today I’m really excited to announce a brand new ProBlogger eBook – ProBlogger’s Guide to Blogging for Your Business. The idea for this resource came from regular emails that I receive from business owners and employees within businesses who want to start blogs to assist them in achieving their business ...more
Featured Posts
Dear YouTube – You Broke My Heart – An Open Letter to @YouTube
Today I was ‘suspended’ from YouTube with no warning and no explanation of why. Where my videos once appeared on this site a message appears that tarnishes my reputation. As a result I’ve followed the procedure to ask for reconsideration that YouTube give and have written this open letter to ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Caption Contest: Win the ProBlogger Library of eBooks!
Okay, time for a little light-hearted fun. Caption Contest! This morning on Twitter (follow me @Problogger) we were sharing our most embarrassing moments as bloggers and I shared the above picture which appeared in newspapers across Australia. When the article came out five years ago, it was one of my ...more
ProBlogger Site News