Darren Rowse

Google Firefox Referral Program goes International
Google have widened the availability of the Firefox referal program to now include international publishers. They announce it as follows on their What’s New page: ‘International publishers can now refer users to Firefox plus Google Toolbar through the AdSense referrals feature. As you connect your users with Firefox to improve ...more

Blog Values – How Much is your Blog Worth?
Jeremy just emailed me a link to an interesting article by Om Malik at Business 2.0 exploring some of the recent sales of web publishers. Of particular interest to me is the analysis of what the acquisition price was on a per user of the sites sold (I’m presuming that ...more
Pro Blogging News

20 Types of Blog Posts – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 18 – Change up your posting form – find new blog topics – In the same way that it’s easy to get ‘stuck’ in always posting in the same voice – it’s also possible to get stuck in always writing in the same form or genre. Yesterday I ...more
Writing Content

New Perspectives inspire Fresh Content
Shawn emailed me to tell me about a post he’s written Bloggers Block where he simply moves his desk and finds that it gives him a fresh perspective.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Six Figure Blogging Course – Home Study Version Released
I’ve been getting emails every day for the past few weeks from people asking when the Home Study version of the Six Figure Blogging course that Andy Wibbels and I ran a couple of months back will be available. Well the time is here. Andy’s been working his butt off ...more
Pro Blogging News

Change your Blogging Voice – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 17. Write in a different voice It’s easy to get bored and stale with one tone of writing so it might be worth mixing it up occasionally and experimenting with a new voice. While you don’t want to do this all the time (it’s important to establish a ...more
Writing Content

Chitika to Launch ‘Local eMiniMalls’
Chitika have been promising a localized eMiniMalls for a few weeks now and it seems that it’s about to happen. The localized eMiniMalls will find UK ads for UK readers initially and gradually will roll out ads for advertisers in other countries across Europe in the coming weeks. This should ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Macro and Micro Posting – Battling Bloggers Block
Blog Tip 16. Macro and Micro Posts Most niches have both big and little picture aspects to them. Good bloggers have a grasp of both and are able to expand upon them in the one blog. For instance in the Pro Blogging niche some big picture issues include topics like ...more
Writing Content

ProBlogger Iconized
After seeing the caricature that they did of Steve Rubel I decided to surf over to iconizeme.com to order my own one. It’s a bit self indulgent but yesterday was my 3 year anniversary of blogging and I thought I deserved a little treat – so I placed my order. ...more
Pro Blogging News