CategoryChitika eMiniMalls

Learn From My Mistake – Don’t Leave Money on the Table!
Have you ever found that you’ve been leaving money on the table? It’s a frustrating feeling and one that many of us can relate to. I discovered that I’ve been doing it for the last few months – here’s my story. I run Chitika Premium ad units on some parts ...more

Chitika Mega Units – Publishers Reporting Massive Increases in Earnings
Chitika (the #2 way that I make money blogging) have come out with a handy new ad unit option for publishers wanting to monetize traffic arriving on their blog from search engines – the ‘mega unit’ premium ad unit. This ad unit is a 550×255 pixel sized ad – it’s ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Chitika Interactive Premium Listing Units
One of my biggest blog money makers is Chitika. I’ve reviewed and written about them many times. They’ve always done very well for me on product related sites – however on sites that don’t have a product focus they have never performed. I’ve been nagging the Chitika team to get ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Chitika’s Response to CPM Ads Concerns
Ryan Travis from Chitika was kind enough to respond to some of the concerns mentioned in my previous post (and it’s comments) about their CPM ads: “We have seen that there are a LOT of times and situations where a publisher’s ads simply will not get clicked on. In these ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Chitika Roll Out CPM Filler Ads for Unsupported Countries
Chitika have been rolling out their new CPM ads over the last few days. These impression based ads will appear mainly on sites with a lot of traffic from non supported countries (they only serve their own ads to traffic from USA, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Chitika Add Interactive Premium Listing Ads Into the Mix
Here’s a piece of news that slipped through without me noticing while I was traveling last month – Chitika have announce a program to serve ‘graphic ads’ in your Chitika ad units when they feel that a CPM would earn you more than a CPC ad. The announced it back ...more

Chitika Updates it’s LINX Ad Unit
Chitika have today announced changes to their Chitika LINX ad unit. Now instead of it just being a text based ad unit they’ve added an image and styling (it’s much better than the old one). I’m not sure that I’ve really featured this ad unit here before on ProBlogger – ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Chitika Launch Premium Publishers Program
Chitika have launched a premium publisher program in the last week. Chitika publishers will now fit one of three categories – Silver – Gold and Premium. Each level has it’s own privileges – from what I can tell most publishers are Gold publishers (I’m not sure why there’s a Silver ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

How Not Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water Earned me Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
Today I want to tell you a story – a story of how not throwing the baby out with the bath water has earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just under two years ago a controversy erupted in the the ‘make money online’ segment of the blogosphere that involved ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls