Darren Rowse

Ask a Blogging Question and/or Tell your Blogging Story
Just a quick note to say that there have been some great stories submitted in response to my request for blogging stories to be featured on ProBlogger over the first two weeks of April. The deadline for submissions lasts for another 20 hours so there’s still time to get yours ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Write for Busy People
Ben at Inside Firefox has written a great little post on how to write for Busy People (and lets face – most of us fit the category). I think the six points they make are great advice for bloggers also. Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t break the ‘rules’ ...more
Writing Content

How to Create a Blog Theme from Scratch
ProBlogger.net’s blog designer Rachel Cunliffe has started a series of posts that I’m sure many of you who love to play around with your blog’s templates will enjoy. In her post Creating a blog theme from scratch she outlines where she’d headed with it. Her 7 steps are: Consulting with ...more
Blog Design

Tell Your Story and Highlight your Blog at ProBlogger
One of the pieces of feedback that I’ve had on ProBlogger when I asked for questions for me to cover in my blogging for beginners series a while back was that people wanted a few more case studies and stories of bloggers who were making money online. The other thing ...more
ProBlogger Site News

ecto for Windows 2.0 Beta
Blogging tool, ecto, has just released it’s 2.0 beta version at ecto for Windows 2.0 Beta. New features in this version include: WYSIWYG editing. Upload caching and setting presets. Automatic download and installation of .Net Framework during ecto’s installation. Many small UI improvement. I can’t tell you much more than ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Interview with YPN Manager
Sugarrae has posted an Interview with Josh Siegel of Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN). Rae starts off by asking a good question about ad relevancy – a topic that I’ve heard quite a few YPN publishers complaining about (in fact I’ve done it myself after running YPN here at ProBlogger for ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

YPN tweaks system
I just logged into b5’s YPN account and noticed a few changes (this must be why I’ve been locked out of it today). The first change is their new ‘messages’ feature (pictured below) which outlines the latest changes at YPN. Click on the ‘subjects’ of one of the messages and ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Free Studio Designed WordPress Theme
One of my favorite blog design houses, The Blog Studio, have released a second free theme for WordPress 1.5 and 2.0. It’s called Liquid Summer and you can see it in action here. It’s a three column design and has a nice feel about it (even though that green is ...more
Blog Design

WorldBlogCenter Scam Update
Just a short update on the Pixel Ad Site Scam that I wrote about yesterday. On the page in question there have been a few changes. Some logos have been removed including Engadget’s, Boing Boing’s and Gizmodo’s. They’ve also added a note to that says ‘pre-approved – awaiting response’ to ...more
Pro Blogging News