Darren Rowse

Call for Prizes – Group Writing Project Coming Soon
It has been a while since I’ve run a group writing project here at ProBlogger so I thought it might be time to another one (if you’re new to ProBlogger and don’t know what a group writing project is I’ll describe it below). While I’m getting things ready I’m looking ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Surprise Surprise – Google Knol Ranks Well in Google!
Last week Google announced their ‘Knol’ service and I (among others) questioned whether it would have a significant impact upon smaller publishers ability to rank well in Google’s search results. Initial results show that Knol articles are already ranking very well (here and here for example) – and with as ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Offers for Bloggers That Will Expire Soon
Over the last few weeks there have been a number of offers and deals for bloggers – some exclusive to you as Problogger readers. As some of these expire at the end of the month I thought I’d give a brief recap of three of them with cut of dates ...more
ProBlogger Site News

If you only had one hour a day to blog what would you spend it doing?
If you only had one hour a day to blog what would you spend it doing? A reader recently sent me a question asking how I’d approach blogging if I only had one hour a day. I can’t find the email for the life of me (if it was you ...more
Reader Questions

Hundreds of Bloggers to Interact with On Digg and StumbleUpon
It’s time to release into the wild another two of our Social Media Love-In lists – this time it’s all about social bookmarking. The opportunities for collaboration and cooperation on sites like Digg and StumbleUpon are amazing. They can be powerful tools with the potential to drive significant traffic to ...more
Social Media

Passion, Honesty, Content and Light-Footedness – Ingredients of Successful Blogging
Yesterday I linked up to an interview with an Australian blogger (Alborz Fallah from CarAdvice.com.au) who has built his blog from a hobby to a million dollar business in just two years. I’ve not been able to get Alborz story out of my mind since as it’s a brilliant example ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Twitter for Beginners – 5 Things to Do as a New Twitter User
Yesterday I added all 538 Twitter users that submitted their details in our Social Media Love In. It took me a couple of hours to do – but I’m glad I did it because already there have been some wonderful conversations emerge. As I was adding new people to follow ...more
Social Media

Million Dollar Blogger Interviewed
Yaro Starak has just published an audio interview with one of his former students (and now a coach) from BlogMastermind Alborz Fallah. Alborz is behind a car blog here in Australia – a blog that has enabled him to grow his blog to a point where it’s been valued at ...more
Case Studies

How to Make Your Blog More Personal
It has been a while since my last video and in this one I’ll show you the reason why – my son Henri who arrived just a few weeks ago has been taking a lot of my attention of late. In this video I want to talk about adding a ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips