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Are you Ready to Win some Cash? The ProBlogger Giveaway continues!

problogger-birthday-bash.jpgMuch like the opportunity to win the iPods the other day, this giveaway requires you to do only one very simple thing, and you can do it right here in the comments section of this post. But first…

The Prizes:

All are listed in US Dollars unless otherwise mentioned.

How To Enter:

In the comments section of this post (and you’re welcome to post your entry on your blog if you wish, but it’s not required as long as you’ve posted it here) finish this statement: “If I had a million dollars…”

Sure, we don’t have a million, but we’ve got quite a bit here to give away! $3,364.33 just in cash and Amazon Gift Certificates (and another couple bucks in non-American money with a bonus NFL Pro Bowl Ballot that we have no idea the monetary value of) to be exact!

So there you have it. Be funny, silly, serious, it doesn’t matter! Just finish that statement in the comments section of this post and you’re entered to win one of the above prizes.

Rules: One entry per person. If you have already won something from one of our other giveaways, you are not eligible to win. Winning one of the prizes listed above will prevent you from being able to win any other prizes for the duration of the giveaway.

Winners are chosen at random using a random number generator. You may not “pick” the prize you want, we will award them in the order that we receive the random winners.

This contest begins at 9am on Friday, October 5, EST (New York, USA) and ends on Saturday, October 6 at 9am EST (Again, New York, USA). We will close comments at that time.

PS: We are about to turn the ProBlogger Birthday Bash into OVERDRIVE! Up til this point we’ve been giving prizes away every 24 hours – but in a few hours we’re going to accelerate the pace a little and the giveaways will start coming every 8 hours (with a few more 24 hour ones thrown in) until the end of the weekend!

Make sure you’re subscribed to our feed now or you’ll miss out!


This one’s closed, and winners have all been notified by email.Check out our newest 24 hour giveaway, or see what’s going on in the 8 hour collections!

  1. If I had a million dollars… I would buy a house, then invest the rest.

    Uninteresting, I know :P

  2. If I had a million dollars I’d build my dream reef aquarium.

  3. If I had a million dollars… I would buy a house.

  4. If I had a million dollars . . . I would pay off my debt, travel the world for a few months and then start my own business.

  5. If I had a million dollars…I would start my early retirement right after I payed off my mortgage. That way I coud spend more time with the my son and the baby that is on the way.


  6. Priya Karthik says: 10/06/2007 at 12:23 am

    If I had a million dollars, I would buy ProBlogger for half a million and buy a yatch. :-)

  7. If I had a million dollars… I’d pay off the house, and save the rest for college money.

  8. If I had a million dollars… I would smugly rub the fact in my evil boss’ face while handing him my notice. Childish? Maybe. Extremely satisfying? Definitely :))

  9. If I had a million dollars I would buy house for me and my boys and then bank the rest and live off of the interest for the rest of my life!

  10. if I had a million dollars … I would have bought ProBlogger.net ! :P

  11. If I had a million dollars I’d buy a Porsche and then join in the microfinancing craze.

  12. If I had a million dollars… I would buy a home, new furnishings, and a new truck; I’d get some additional education; save as much as I need for a comfortable retirement; then I’d spread the rest out amongst my friends.

  13. Can’t believe I was beaten to posting the line by BNL about wanting a monkey!!!

    As such….

    If I had a million dollars I might just be able to afford a beer once converted into UK pounds :)


  14. If I had a million dollars, to be honest, I’d probably do something boring like investing it in no-load index funds, quitting my job, living off the interest, and playing games for the rest of my life. :P

  15. If I had a million dollars… I would start by buying the fun stuff, like a new vehicle, a big screen tv, a bed (I really need one of these). Then I would be serious and have all of my blog ideas designed and developed!

  16. If I had a million dollars.. there would be no point to my blog. :)

  17. If I had a million dollars, I would upgrade my room and workspace, save up for my further studies, get a decent car, left some for my family members, and stop posting sponsored post on my blog.

  18. If I had a million dollars I would buy a house for me and my boys and then put the rest in the bank and live off of the interest for the rest of my life!

  19. If I had a million dollars…i would get my self an xbox 360 and buy cookies for the rest of the money :)

  20. If I had a million dollars…
    nothing really be changed. :-)

  21. If I had a million dollars… I would put a large sum of it into investments that would earn more and use the earnings to purchase land for bird conservation; I wouldn’t blow it on a bunch of frivolous junk. Simplicity is bliss!!

  22. If I had a million dollars I would give a chunk to the two primary charities I support, set up accounts for my niece and nephews’ education, buy a new car and invest the rest.

  23. If I had a million dollars I would turn it into 3 million dollars

  24. If I had a million dollars… I would invest a good chunk of it and live off the interest!

  25. If I had a million dollars I’d pay off the house, pay off the cars, sock a bunch in the bank, and convince my wife we could afford a pair of iPhones.

  26. If I had a million dollars I would buy a nice new house in Vancouver, it’s such an amazing city!

  27. Dave Davis says: 10/06/2007 at 12:35 am

    If I had a million dollars I would give the money that I win from this competition to charity.

  28. If I had a million dollars…I would definitely use it to help build some online income

  29. If I had a million dollars…I’d do exactly what I’m doing right now – find ways to share the wealth with others.

  30. T. Hart says: 10/06/2007 at 12:38 am

    If I had a million dollars I would be inspiring others to believe they could do the same – always wanted to do that anyway. There’s been a long lineage of poverty conciousness in my family and around the world. I would be proud to break that chain and demonstrate that “hey, it can happen to you!”

  31. If I had a million dollars, I would set up a big project (something to do with pregnancy and birth), and make a lot of money off it. I would use the money as a starting capital to make lots and lots more! And then I would buy a house and a car, give a lot of money to my parents and family, and to charity. Not necessarily in that order.

  32. If I had a million dollars I’d take a holiday. I really wanted to quote the Barenaked Ladies, but so many other people are doing it. Check out the website you’ll like them. http://www.bnlmusic.com/

    If I had a million dollars in on the Gordon CD.

  33. If I had a million dollars I’d pack my bags and leave for my home country within two weeks.

  34. If I had a million dollars, I would invest them and live from them the rest of my life.

  35. If I had a million dollars…

    I would put it all in a safe money market fund living off of interest while I could stop working and work on making a full-time living online. Oh yeah, and I’d get a Ferrari.

  36. If I had a million dollars I would pack up my kids and travel the world. After sitting a good bit aside in savings, of course. But then we’d be off to Rome, Paris, London, and everywhere else!

  37. I I had a million dollars…I would most def give back to my church and my commmunity. Payoff my parent’s debt. Buy a lot of yarn and all the crafty toys I’ve been wanting. And finally I would travel and finish my degree without worrying about tuition and book costs.

  38. I’d retire. An extra million is “all” I need to put me over the top.

  39. […] Contest 01: Here it is, the contest you have been waiting for: win Kabitzin’s money. This contest is really easy to enter, just go to the contest page and follow the instructions […]

  40. If I had a million dollars… I would invest it… and then travel.

  41. If I had a million dollars, I would continue to hustle clicks on the Internet.

    A million dollars is a substantial amount of money but it won’t change your life. I live in NYC where a million dollars might buy you a crappy 1 bedroom apartment.

    If I had 100 million dollars, I would put it all in triple tax free municipal bonds and live on my 4 million net annual tax free salary.

    With that kind of money, I would do cool stuff like hire a DJ to follow me around with turn tables on wheels so I could have my own entrance music like Hansel in Zoolander. In addition I would import a Cuban hand cigar roller guy to roll me a cigar whenever I was in the mood.

    Another move I would love to pull is something Aristotle Onasis once did. Aristotle went to an ultra-exclusive private club in Rome one night. The doorman didn’t recognize him and refused to let him in. Onasis got offended and called for the owner to come outside where he proceeded to pull out his check book buy the place, shut it down and kick everyone out on the spot. Now that is money!

  42. If I had a million dollars I’d take a couple weeks off before getting bored and returning to work.

  43. If I had a million dollars… I would buy a private jet, and get a pilots license so that I can fly around the world.

  44. If I had a million dollars… I’d stop using shared hosting ;-)

  45. If I had a million dollars I’d be in shock.

  46. If I had a million dollars, I’d put some in the bank, donate some to charity, take a trip around the world, and continue on with life.

  47. If I had a million dollars, I will work for billion dollars!

  48. If I had a million dollars, I’d buy a mountain chalet and drink gluhwein all the days I wasn’t skiing.

  49. If I had a million dollars… I’d pay my debts, give 10% to my relatives and friends, quit my job, buy gadgets and furniture, buy stocks and travel the world.

  50. Bonnie says: 10/06/2007 at 12:46 am

    If I had a million dollars I would replace my @#%$& computer.

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