Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash
This month we’ve been looking at five different methods that I’d use to find readership if I were starting a new blog. So far we’ve explored guest posting, advertising and networking – but today I want to turn our attention to the dynamic area of social media.
Social media sites have exploded onto the online publishing scene over the last couple of years and can generally be divided into two types of site:
- Social Networking Sites – where the primary activity of the site is ‘connecting’ with others. Some of the most prominent sites in this space are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
- Social Bookmarking – where the primary activity is the finding and sharing of web content through different systems of ‘voting’ on sites. Examples of this type of site are Reddit, Digg and Mix (formerly StumbleUpon).
The above two classifications of social media sites are fairly broad – in reality there are many different sites appearing every week, many of which have elements of both of the above as well as other features. On Twitter for example, by simply posting links, images, and content with your account means you’ll have technically bookmarked them and if you also ‘like’ certain tweets, you can find and go back to them in the future. Pinterest functions similarly.
The point of this post is not to define social media but rather to look at it as an opportunity to find new readers for your blog. The reason that I include it in this series is that over the last few years I’ve seen numerous blogs virtually launch themselves via social media sites.
The reason for their success is that social media sites are among the largest sites on the web at present (the volume of traffic that they do is mind boggling) but that by their very nature they are about helping people to discover new parts of the web (particularly social bookmarking sites) – and as a result they are used by people actively seeking web content.
As a result I would argue that social media sites are a logical place to position yourself as a blogger. Let me say it again:
Social media sites have a lot of traffic and they are used by people to find content – why wouldn’t you position yourself on them?
Qualification: let me qualify that last statement before going any further by saying that social media is not THE answer to finding readers for your blog. It is not enough just to promote your content on social sites – but it is one element that can help you find a lot of new readers.
9 Keys to Using Social Media to Find New Readers for Your Blog
Much has been written about using specific social media sites to drive traffic to a blog. I’ll include a few links to things I’ve written about specific sites below – however in this post I’d like to speak in a more general sense and share some principles of using social media to drive traffic.
1. Be an Active Participant – it is important to see these sites for what they are – they’re social sites which are designed for regular use and interactions between readers. They are not designed for people to come to to spam their own links and leave – they’re designed for ongoing, genuine and helpful interactions between people. As a result those who spend time using these sites are the ones who generally are rewarded for doing so over the long haul. While there is a temptation to only use these sites on occasion when it benefits yourself you’ll find them more fruitful paces to visit when you regularly participate and genuinely interact with others.
2. Learn the Rules and Culture – different social media sites have different rules, standards, cultures and acceptable behavior. This covers things like how you interact with others, the language you can use and importantly for this article – linking and promoting your own content. Some sites allow (and even encourage) you self promoting – others do not. Some might allow it officially but will have users who don’t like it and who will ‘bury’ your efforts if you do. The key is to participate, observe and learn from your experiences.
3. Find Key Players – one of the best ways to learn about social media is to find and get to know key players on the different sites. Who is using them well? What are they doing? What might they be able to teach you? How might you work with them for mutual benefit? Many social media sites make it easy to find these key players by producing lists of ‘top users’ – these can be strategic relationships to have.
4. Make Friends – extending upon this is the principle of be-friending others on social sites. This is a key part of what they are all about and many of these sites make you more powerful based upon the number of your connections. So get out there – make friends and interact with your network. From this can come many fruitful interactions. It’s also a great branding exercise to ‘connect’ with people in these ways.
I should say at this point that I see people using their ‘networks’ on social sites in two main ways either as natural influencers or in more concerted and coordinated ways. The first (influencers) is about building a network that you naturally interact with and who will take notice of what you do. This makes you a powerful user and both by the social site taking more note of you but also as others will do so also. The second is what some users have been doing for a while now – joining together to vote up each other’s content. DoshDosh has some great tips on making and interacting with friends in social sites (particularly Digg).
5. Don’t Be Self-Centered – I’ve mentioned this already but it’s worth a point of it’s own. If your primary activities on social media sites is self centered then you’ll limit your own fruit from it. I know a number of top Digg users and in each case they are some of the most generous and ‘other serving’ people you’ll ever meet. They go out of their way to help others achieve their dreams. In doing so of course they themselves benefit – but it’s others first.
6. Find what Works Best for Your Blog – a regular comment on posts where I write about the power of using social media is people saying that they’ve ‘tried it’ and it doesn’t work. When I unpack these comments with people I often find that what they mean is that they tried one social media site once or twice – and it didn’t have much impact. The mistakes with this kind of thinking are numerous (ie it takes time to get to know a social media site, get to know people etc) – but one main thing that I’d say is that not all social media sites work for every topic of blog. For example I find that StumbleUpon works really well here at ProBlogger – but that Digg works on some more technically focused sites that I have worked with. The other thing that I’d say is that sometimes the biggest social sites are not always the best ones to use – but rather smaller and more focused ones can have bigger benefits. Every week new social bookmarking sites appear around different niches – search them out and focus on them too.
7. Social Media as a Branding Exercise – while social media sites can send you a lot of traffic very very quickly they can also be excellent places to do branding. Every time a reader or potential reader comes across you on a social media site the more you reinforce your brand. Get active on a site like stumbleupon and promote the content that others publish and you could actually get on their radar and end up benefiting yourself in many ways.
8. Convert to Loyal Readers – one thing that many bloggers fail to do when they succeed in driving traffic to their blogs from social media sites is to convert them into loyal readers. Getting readers to your blog is just half of the challenge – getting them to return tomorrow and every day afterwards is the other half – it can be the difference between a one off traffic event and a blog with an ongoing growth in readership. I’ve written more on converting one off visitors into regular readers here (and also here).
9. It’s all about the Content – one factor that exponentially increases (or decreases) the impact of your efforts in social media is your actual content. Without content that engages social media users you are wasting your time as it will rarely capture their imaginations and inspire them to promote it. Writing great content is the focus of tomorrow’s last post in this series on growing blog readership – so I’ll say more then.
Further Reading at ProBlogger on using Social Media to Build Traffic to Your Blog:
- How to Create Social Media’s Favorite Type of Blog Post
- Optimize Your Social Media For More Traffic and Engagement
- How to Build a Digg Culture on Your Blog
- Social Media Trends – Where Should You Focus Your Energy
- 4 Ways to Use Social Media to Light a Fire Under Your List Building Strategy
- 7 Tips for Increasing Social Media Engagement
If you’re serious about building an audience for your blog and want to supercharge your traffic ProBlogger’s Find Readers Course will give you the roadmap and guide you through 6 clear steps to find readers.
This article was first published on Mar 15, 2008 and updated Feb 24, 2022.
Is it ever too early to start promoting your blog via social media?
My new blog venture is only 2 days old and whilst i’ve promoted other ventures rather quickly via similar mediums my gut instinct tells me to pause briefly whilst i build up a body of content.
I look forward to some of your thoughts.
Lately, most of the information on blogging on the internet points to social media blogging as the way to go.
For those individuals who have not made up your their mind there are resources available with information that can contribute to helping an individual decide what type of online income is well suited to their skill, abilities and life style.
I would like to recommend ‘The Real Money Show’, http://www.realmoneyshow.com, for those individuals who have yet to make up their minds and are still indifferent.
Well-known journalist and television host, John Daly, utilized his expertise to create an online series of interviews with creators of online marketing programs with a track record for turning some people into millionaires. The obvious benefit of this approach is that individuals actually get to see and hear the people behind these successful programs.
The credibility of this online resource is reinforced by the fact that ‘The Real Money Show’ does not endorse anyone or any particular program. These five to ten minute interviews allow people to read, watch, listen, and make an educated decision.
Great tips for the beginner :)
I started my blog for fun,but have realised, that to just get people to read it is quite challenging. So, thanks for this article. Am just beginning to learn about widgets and sites like digg and technorati, and understand what they can do for you. Your article is a keeper!
The other thing that I’d say is that sometimes the biggest social sites are not always the best ones to use – but rather smaller and more focused ones can have bigger benefits.
After all, most of the people you meet in cyberspace won’t necessarily recognize your face from different angles. http://koriaga.blogspot.com/ This is something I struggle with, I can’t seem to settle on a picture!
Great Post,
I am really keen on this social media concept to increase web traffic. One thing I notice is that it is a slow process. I guess you have to build trust.
But I am still lagging way behind, because I see there are lots of bloggers that get thousands of reader per day very quickly, while I struggle to get 100. Given it is a new blog, but it would be nice to have a healthy size readership
Agreed, this may not be “THE” answer, but blogs I start, get the start of my readership from these.
I average about 40 readers a day right from the creation of my blog, from these sites alone.
40 readers a day gives you some good incentive to keep writing. (at least you know your writing to someone!!)
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