CategoryYahoo Publishing Network

YPN Offer Publishers PayPal Payment Option
30th of May 2007 Darren Rowse 26 Comments

YPN Offer Publishers PayPal Payment Option

YPN (Yahoo’s Publisher Network) have just announced something that I think will make many AdSense publishers quite jealous – they’re now going to give YPN publishers the option to be paid with PayPal. I’ve been hearing AdSense publishers calling for this for years now but think it unlikely that they’ll ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN Limit maximum number of Ad Units Per Page to 3
5th of February 2007 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

YPN Limit maximum number of Ad Units Per Page to 3

YPN have today announced policy changes – the main change being that you are now only allowed to place a maximum of three YPN ad units on any single page at a time. This is the same maximum that AdSense allows on a page at any given time (unless you ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
Earning Money From Contextual Ads
8th of December 2006 Darren Rowse 9 Comments

Earning Money From Contextual Ads

SEO Roundtable has a nice summary of a session at SES Chicago with Jeremy Schomaker and Jennifer Slegg (notice they both have JS initials – could be something in that!) on the topic of Earning Money From Contextual Ads. There’s not much in it that experienced contextual advertising publishers won’t ...more
How to Target US Traffic for YPN Ads
6th of October 2006 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

How to Target US Traffic for YPN Ads

If you’re a YPN publisher but are worried about having too much non US traffic (they don’t let YPN be used on sites with too many non US readers) then you might find a tip written by Erik helpful on Saving Your Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) Account from being BANNED. ...more
AdSense, YPN and Chitika Preview Tool
3rd of October 2006 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

AdSense, YPN and Chitika Preview Tool

Have you ever wondered what ads are showing in your AdSense, Chitika and YPN units around the world in different locations? These advertising systems are all geographically targeted advertising systems (Chitika less so but they do to some extent). The ads you see in your part of the world can ...more
Gaining the Second Indented Google Listing
9th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 7 Comments

Gaining the Second Indented Google Listing

You might wonder how you can get Google to grant you a second indented link underneath a primary result in SERPs on a search phrase. To demonstrate what I’m talking about, I searched for blogs and adsense which conveniently, this blog has the number one ranking on. At the top ...more
Search Engine Optimization
YPN launches Publisher Services and New Help Center
17th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

YPN launches Publisher Services and New Help Center

YPN have just released a new section for their publishers called ‘publisher services’. (hat tip to Scott for the email headsup). I’ve included a screen shot of it below but it’s basically a collection of tutorials and tools to help publishers improve three aspects of their site development. Here’s how ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN adds RPC (Revenue Per Click) to reports
16th of June 2006 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

YPN adds RPC (Revenue Per Click) to reports

YPN has made a number of changes in their reports and control panel. One of the main ones that caught my eye was a new column in their reports: Avg. RPC ($) which stands for ‘Average Revenue Per Click’ which they define as: “This shows the average amount of revenue ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network
YPN add Payment Features
21st of May 2006 Darren Rowse 7 Comments

YPN add Payment Features

Jen reports that YPN have launched direct deposit, tax withholding and faster payment turnaround for publishers in their beta test. update: More official word on this at YPN’s blog.
Yahoo Publishing Network