CategorySocial Media

How My Old Blog Post Got Half a Million Pinterest Views [Case Study]
7th of March 2013 Guest Blogger 93 Comments

How My Old Blog Post Got Half a Million Pinterest Views [Case Study]

There’s a lot of information on the web, including ProBlogger, on how to maximize Pinterest to get traffic to your site. Between tutorials on how to optimize Pinterest as part of your social media marketing strategy, Darren’s own experiment on Pinterest, how to create Pinterest-worthy graphics, and how to run ...more
Social Media
Do You Need a Pinterest Consultant? Interview with Jade Craven of dPS
6th of March 2013 Georgina Laidlaw 22 Comments

Do You Need a Pinterest Consultant? Interview with Jade Craven of dPS

Back when Pinterest was brand-spankin’-new, we heard the same cry from a lot of readers: “Not another social network! Who has time for all this?!” Who indeed? Each social network is different, and they all require slightly different approaches and skills. One potential solution for more than a few ...more
Social Media
Heavyweight Help: The Complete Guide to Getting Started on Pinterest
5th of March 2013 Guest Blogger 104 Comments

Heavyweight Help: The Complete Guide to Getting Started on Pinterest

Do you lie in bed at night dreaming of getting a link from some high-profile blog like ProBlogger that would send you thousands of visitors and give your blog the exposure you need to take it to the next level? I’d rather have Pinterest. Don’t get me wrong: I’d love ...more
Featured Posts
Triple Your Facebook Likes in Two Weeks
4th of February 2013 Guest Blogger 35 Comments

Triple Your Facebook Likes in Two Weeks

This guest post is by Samuel of Internet Dreams. Would you like some more cake after having a first slice? Most of us wouldn’t be satisfied with just one slice of cake, so we end going back to the table and grabbing a second one. Heck, some of us would ...more
Social Media
What Content Works Where? Smarter Traffic (and Revenue) Building Through Social Media
15th of January 2013 Darren Rowse 16 Comments

What Content Works Where? Smarter Traffic (and Revenue) Building Through Social Media

Every time we publish a post on social media here at ProBlogger, readers comment that social media takes so much time—how can they get smarter about it? Today I wanted to give you a quick way to get a better handle on your social media activities, in about five minutes, ...more
Featured Posts
How Embedded Social News Grew My Content, Traffic, and Engagement, and Saves Me Time [Case Study]
3rd of January 2013 Guest Blogger 19 Comments

How Embedded Social News Grew My Content, Traffic, and Engagement, and Saves Me Time [Case Study]

This guest post is by Brian Lippey of Guitar Shop TV. Every blogger wants to offer the best content to his or her audience. With Guitar Shop TV (GSTV), I set out to create an online community for passionate guitar fans and music lovers around the world.  My goal was ...more
Social Media
The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog
19th of December 2012 Jade Craven 17 Comments

The 3 Step Guide to Creating Pinterest-friendly Graphics for Your Blog

It´s well established that Pinterest can be a strong driver of traffic. We´ve been having a lot of success at our Digital Photography School account and have seen other blogs, like Hair Romance, experiencing similar success. In my experience, most bloggers focus on curating boards to build their expertise and ...more
Social Media
Stop Socializing! Auto-Share Social Media Updates and Get Back to Blogging
13th of December 2012 Guest Blogger 26 Comments

Stop Socializing! Auto-Share Social Media Updates and Get Back to Blogging

This guest post is by Fred Perrotta of Tortuga Backpacks. As a blogger, you should be spending at least 80% of your time creating killer content. The problem is that that leaves just 20% of your time to split between time-intensive (but important) activities like social networking, ad sales, new product creation, ...more
Social Media
How to Build a Dominant Google+ Presence
9th of November 2012 Guest Blogger 34 Comments

How to Build a Dominant Google+ Presence

This guest post is by Ryan Howard of Complete Web Resources. Google+ is the hottest game in town when it comes search engine placement gains—at least for the time being. We’ve run multiple tests and so have a few other agencies we know, almost with unanimous consent that preferring Google+ ...more
Social Media