CategorySearch Engine Optimization

Growing Your Business with Google – Preview Call
Yesterday I came across an interesting course called Growing Your Business with Google (aff link) that I’m really impressed with. It’s by two guys – Dave Taylor (pictured) and Steven Van Yoder. I know Dave’s work pretty well and respect him as a blogger after both reading his stuff and ...more
Pro Blogging News

Optimizing your Title Tag for SEO on 3 Different Platforms
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell A lot has been made of SEO as it comes to blogging, both here at Problogger and elsewhere. If you are a regular reader of this site, then this is especially critical to you. You read this blog because ...more
Blog Design

SEO for Product Reviews
Graywolf is writing a useful series of posts on the topic of SEO for Product Reviews: ‘About 18 to 24 months ago Google started giving pages with “keyword review” or “keyword reviews” favorable rankings in it’s algorthym for “keyword” searches. It’s hard to say whether they are devaluing on page ...more
Search Engine Optimization

SES New York Blogging
I’m very jealous of those who are lucky enough to be in New York at the moment for the SES conference. The sessions I’m seeing numerous bloggers reporting on sound very useful. One blog you can follow what people have been learning on is Search Engine Roundtable which has quite ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Google Page Rank Update Underway
Tim just alerted me to the fact that it seems Google are doing one of it’s periodic Page Rank Updates. These updates take a little while to show up on all data-centers around the world so it could take a day or two to shakedown – but you can read ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Google Update (sort of)
Lots of webmasters are reporting changes with Google referral levels this week. Many believe it’s not a new update but a rolling out of changes already made in one or two datacenters. If you’re into tracking Google changes you can try make sense of it at the WMW discussion at ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Should Bloggers Write for Humans or Computers?
I’ve been toying with writing this post for a number of weeks now after reading a number of posts on the death of Search Engine Optimization for Bloggers. Nick over at Performancing kicked it off (at least it was the first one I’d read for a while) with Why Bloggers ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Keywords in URLs and AdSense
Interesting post over at ipears (love the name) on The importance of a good ‘post slug’ where Jan reflects upon the impact that changing URLs of individual posts from number extensions to content related keyword extensions had on AdSense ads. ‘I left all titles as is, but started renaming all ...more

Title Tags and SEO
Wayne over at Blog Business World has put together a good post on Title Tags and SEO which contains good advice if you’re looking to climb search engine rankings. I’ve written on the same topic at The Importance of Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization.
Search Engine Optimization