
You’re Losing Subscribers, Here’s How to Get them Back
Today Glen Allsopp a Personal Development blogger at PluginID shares a great technique for capturing lost subscribers to your blog. You can subscribe to his blog here. A few months ago, I was messing around in feedburner and noticed something pretty drastic, I was rapidly losing subscribers on a regular ...more
Blog Promotion

Are RSS Subscribers Worthwhile if they Don’t Visit Your Blog?
“Why do bloggers put so much focus upon growing RSS subscriber numbers to their blog if most of them only ever read your content in Feed Readers and don’t visit your blog?” This question (or variations of it) hit my inbox 3 times in 24 hours from different people so ...more
Blog Promotion

AdSense for RSS Feeds – How Contextual Are the Ads?
Over the last few weeks we’ve (b5media) been experimenting with AdSense for RSS on our blogs (including ProBlogger). I’d previously had them on my photography blog but not here on ProBlogger. Since activating them I’ve had around 1 email a day from readers telling me that they are seeing ‘strange’ ...more

How to Increase Subscribers and Reader Engagement
Last week I decided to find some quality Australian blogs to subscribe to. I used a newly compiled list of Australian Marketing Blogs that Julian Cole put together as the basis for my search. I was excited by the quality of some of the blogs on that list – but ...more
Blog Design

Where to Position Ads in Your RSS Feed
Over the past month since AdSense have released AdSense for Feeds to the wider publishing community I’ve noticed a lot more of the bloggers that I’m tracking each day are including ads in their RSS feed. When they first started appearing I noticed most bloggers had the ads positioned at ...more

AdSense for Feeds Goes Live
Over the last week or two some Feedburner Ad Network publishers have been transitioned over to the new AdSense Feed Advertising system and over the weekend AdSense for Feeds has gone live for everyone. You should now see them in your AdSense setup tab. AdSense for feeds is similar to ...more

How to Get 2500 New ‘Subscribers’ to Your Blog Overnight (and Why I Don’t Really Care)
Every 2nd blog about blogging today seems to be writing about a video showing how to get 2500 subscribers overnight using a Netvibes accounts and an OPML file with thousands of copies of your own feed in it. I’ve had a lot of people email me to ask what I ...more
Pro Blogging News

Feedburner AdSense Ads in the Wild
Over the weekend news broke of the coming Feedburner and AdSense Integration. Since then I’ve chatted to one of the team at Google about the integration and asked if I could see them in the wild somewhere. They shot me a link to this RSS feed where you can view ...more

Feed Compare – Feed Comparison Tool
If you’re into comparing stats with your competitors (or friends) then you might like to check out Feed Compare – a tool that lets you compare the numbers of subscribers to a blog with other blogs (as lon as they are all using Feedburner). Here’s a comparison of my two ...more
Blogging Tools and Services