
How to Create a Sense of Anticipation on Your Blog
People read and then subscribe to blogs that they think will enhance their lives in some way in the future. Many bloggers create a sense of anticipation on a blog quite instinctively – but there are numerous things that you can do quite intentionally to create anticipation and increase the ...more
Blog Design

FeedBurner vs. Aweber: Do You Really Need an Autoresponder for Your Blog?
This guest post is by Aman Basanti of When it comes to turning casual visitors into regular readers there are two main options—FeedBurner and Aweber. FeedBurner uses Feed-based technology (RSS and Atom) to send updates to your blog subscribers. Owned by Google (Google bought it in 2007 for $100 million), ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Add Socialize Feature to Feedburner – Tweet Your New Blog Posts from Feedburner
Google today announced a new feature that impacts bloggers – a new URL shortener that integrates with Feedburner and a new ‘socialize’ feature on Feedburner. This allows bloggers to use Feedburner to send Tweets out automatically via Feedburner. Of course most bloggers already have tweets going out to promote new ...more

Let me Show You How my RSS Advertising is Performing
Today I spent a little time digging around in my AdSense earnings stats to see how they’d been performing over the last 6-12 months and particularly was interested in how the RSS advertising was performing. I decided to pull out some of the data that I found and chart it ...more

Why Promote an RSS Feed if it Keeps People from Visiting Your Blog?
In the last 15 minutes I’ve had 3 people ask me pretty much the same question: “Why promote an RSS feed where you share the full posts of your blog when it means people don’t read your blog?” Rather than write another post on the topic I thought I’d simply ...more

Feedburner Add Customizable Subject Lines to Email Subscriptions
One month ago I wrote an open letter to Google/Feedburner suggesting that it might be time to add some more features to Feedburner – particularly the ability to customize subject lines of those subscribing to a feed via RSS. It seems that they’ve been hard at work on that very ...more

Dear Google: Please Take Feedburner to the Next Level
Dear Google – I have a suggestion that I submit to you for your consideration. It pertains to your excellent Feedburner service (particularly the email subscription element of it) which so many hundreds of thousands of bloggers (I’m taking a stab in the dark on that number, it could well ...more

9 Tips to Help You Find More RSS Subscribers for Your Blog
Finding RSS Subscribers is something that many bloggers spend a lot of time thinking about – so in this video I thought I’d put together a few thoughts on how to grow your subscriber numbers. See the full sized version of this video here at YouTube. PS: in the post ...more

AdSense for Feeds Ads Showing in Feedburner Email Updates
Today I was chatting with someone that subscribes to ProBlogger via email through the Feedburner RSS to Email service that we offer readers and they mentioned in passing that they see the AdSense ads in the emails that they receive. At first I was a little taken aback by this. ...more