CategoryMiscellaneous Blog Tips

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy II
Over the next few posts I’m going to be posting a few thoughts on how to defeat apathy in your blogging – here’s a few to kick us off. • Start a Series – it gets hard to constantly come up with new topics to blog about each day so ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Declaring War on Blogger Apathy
Ok so now it’s time to talk about something that has the potential to KILL your blog…. Apathy A blogger can have the best strategic plan in the world but if they have no motivation, passion or drive for their blogging it will almost always amount to nothing at all. ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Action Plan
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. It’s the last one!!! We’ve reached the last step of the strategic plan and now we finally get to a time of planning (and doing) some action. In each of the ‘activities’ break down your strategy into achievable tasks. You might like ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Strategy
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. We’re almost at the end of the strategic Blogging plan now – this is the second last post – phew! You’ve analyzed your current position and have looked into the future to how you want your blog to be in each of ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

31 Days to Building a Better Blog – Day 2
Here are the latest tips that readers of ProBlogger have written in the last 24 hours as a contribution to the wider community’s learning on the topic of Blogging. It’s part of our 31 Days to Building a Better Blog Project. I hope you enjoy: Syntagma wrote a post titled ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Issues, Present Position and Future Direction
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. Issues If we want to design a strategy to help us reach our goals we need to identify the areas in which we need to work. At this point in the strategic plan we take time to break down the task of ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Vision and Goals
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. Vision Having answered questions about why we blog (mission) and setting some boundaries for our behavior in doing so (Values) it’s now time to be a little more concrete in our big picture thinking. Where are you headed with your blogging? More ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Values
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. Having thought about our mission (or why we blog) it’s time now to turn our attention to the values that we have that help to shape how we’ll achieve our overall mission. There are many means to an end and many ways ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog

Strategic Blogging – Mission
This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series. 13 years ago when I started studying my Marketing degree the focus of many of my first year lectures was ‘Mission Statements’. I remember writing mission statement after statement – to the point where I started to dream about them. It was ...more
31 Days to Building a Better Blog