CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

The Zero Boss has a mini review of Shoutwire – a social bookmarking site that is similar to Digg but that covers a wider array of topics (Digg is just technology related). It could be a useful tool if it takes off.
Blogging Tools and Services

Track AdSense Clicks With Google Analytics
Shawn from Digital Point has developed a piece of javascript that will allow those AdSense publishers who use Google’s Analytics to Track their AdSense Clicks. The stats it gives should shed a bit more light on what pages convert best for Adsense clicks, what sources of traffic click ads more ...more

Feedster Top 500 Updates
Feedster have updated their Top 500 Blogs page and have added tags into the mix. So now blogs have tags next to them which makes it a much more useful list. So now the problogger entry looks like this: If you click on the ‘blogging’ tag you get taken to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Subscribe to Comments Feature Added
After many readers making the suggestion I’ve finally added a Subscribe to Comments Plugin to So now if you want to know when others add comments after you to check the little ‘ Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ box and you’ll get emails every time anyone comments. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services Goes Live
Lots of WordPress News today – it seems that the free hosted blog platform, has gone live and is now available for all bloggers and not just those invited into the system. Sign Up here
Blogging Tools and Services

Desktop Blogging Clients
Ian McKenzie has a post that examines a number of different Desktop Blogging Clients – he manages seven blogs with Blogger, WordPress, MovableType and Thingamablog and is looking for a client with the following features: The ability to post to multiple blog clients and handle multiple accounts. Another important feature ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Botsense – Combatting Content Theft and Bandwidth Issues caused by Bots
Jim over at Revnews has a post talking about a new product, Botsense, that is currently in beta that is for stopping. It sounds like an interesting product that unfortunately will be needed more and more with the way things are going with content theft these days. Has anyone used ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Linked in
Dave Taylor has a post on “Etiquette for LinkedIn and the Professional Networking World” which I found interesting. I’ve actually been using LinkedIn for a few months now and while I understand it’s features and functions I’m yet to find that it’s actually been much use to me. I’m interested ...more
Blogging Tools and Services