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Subscribe to Comments Feature Added

Posted By Darren Rowse 22nd of November 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

After many readers making the suggestion I’ve finally added a Subscribe to Comments Plugin to ProBlogger.net.

So now if you want to know when others add comments after you to check the little ‘ Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ box and you’ll get emails every time anyone comments.

I’ll be interested to monitor how comment levels go over the coming days.


update – ok – I thought that went too smoothly – it seems to be putting the check-box way down the bottom of the post and messing with the page configuration. Might have to play around with this.

update – fixed it. Thanks to Mark J for the suggestion in comments.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Nice one Darren, though it’s a bit of a stretch to reach that check box!

    You know, in adding this you’ve highlighted another important aspect of blogging – being responsive to your readers’ needs!

    Good luck getting the display sorted out on this – I’ll subscribe to show my support!

  2. Yeah Dude, normally those check boxes show up directly under the “ADD comment” button (perhaps even in between the editor and button). But it definitely is a good idea (another option is to have an RSS feed of the comments, its something a little more easy to opt in and out of).

    Thanks for this.

  3. yeah, a little bit of a problem there

  4. I’ve found that this is the greatest tool to close the loop for a discussion about a post. And it certainly helps to bring people back :-)


  5. I cant see it at all now!

  6. If you open up the plugin file, the first function defined is the show_subscription_checkbox() function. There are three sections to edit, and each one starts with a paragraph with style="clear: both;" Simply remove that style from the opening paragraph tag in three places, and that should help you out.

    The default themes need that, but it messes up other ones… I’m probably going to have to make it an option in future versions of the plugin, as it seems to be an issue for ~10% of themes… usually those using multiple floats with content on the right.

  7. Hypocrite that I am, I haven’t installed one of these on my own blogs yet – although I like your choice Darren. The ‘manage subscriptions’ feature is first class! Good work Mark!

    And, as promised, I came back to check out the comments! I’ll definitely be installing this plugin on Unreality TV!

  8. Finally! Yay!
    Regarding the positioning of the checkbox – you should be able to fix that in the template without too much difficulty

  9. Course I forgot to check the box :(

  10. Nice. That place is much better!
    Will try it out!

  11. phuong says: 04/11/2006 at 8:05 pm

    I want to make a friend with you. Thanks you

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