CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

MyBlogLog ads AdSense Tracking
A number of readers have emailed in the last 24 hours to let me know that MyBlogLog (I previously reviewed it in it’s early days here), stats package that lets you track outbound links has added the ability to track AdSense clicks. When you log into your stats page now ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

reddit buttons
reddit have released reddit buttons for webmasters and bloggers to put on their sites to help spread the word about their posts. They come in three styles. Give them a go and let us know how you find them. Do you actively promote social bookmarking options to your readers? Do ...more
Blog Promotion

Technorati Tag Link Generator
Blake writes a post on Technorati Tags and has developed a little Technorati Tag Link Generator tool that may be of some use to some of you who don’t have the functionality built into your blogging tools already (like some blog desktop publishers do). Here’s some tags I just used ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Akismet Suffers Comment Spam Downtime
Akismet users might have noticed an increase in comment spam getting through the system over the past 24 hours. It seems that they had some downtime as a result of an update that allowed quite a bit of spam to get through. It seems to have settled now but for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Resources for Information Publishers
Martin at ePublishingDaily has put together a page of resources for information publishers that I think a lot of entrepreneurial bloggers will find very useful. It’s got over 100 resources in 17 categories including: Online PDF Creators Keyword Tools Stock Photos Online Payment Autoresponders Online Researching Some categories will be ...more
Blogging Tools and Services Announces Beta Update
It looks like the team at Google/Blogger have finally decided to update the ever popular but getting crusty blog platform. They announced a new Blogger Beta today which seems to go part way to answering some of the calls for updating that many Blogger bloggers have been calling for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Windows Live Writer – Have your Say
Microsoft has just announced Windows Live Writer today (downloadable from here if you’re a PC user). I’m a Mac guy so it’s not something I can give you any recommendations on but it’s a blogging tool (in a similar class to other desktop blog editors) with most of the features ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Bloglines Problems
Numerous bloggers are reporting issues with Bloglines again today. I’ve been noticing it for at least 24 hours here – folders that say they have unread items that when you click on them have nothing in them as well as other folders that seem to be empty but which actually ...more
Blogging Tools and Services adds Private Blogs and Custom CSS Upgrades has had two new features offered to users in the last few hours. Private Blogs – the ability for publishers to request your blog be unlisted in search engines and the ability to only enable other members to have access to it. Custom CSS – this is something ...more
Blogging Tools and Services