CategoryBlogging for Dollars

2nd of May 2017 Guest Blogger 34 Comments

Want Better Results? Treat Your Blog Like an Actual Business

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. There are millions of blogs on the internet. Some are nothing more than creative outlets for people who are interested in hobby blogging. Others are successful brands that produce millions of dollars in revenue each year. If you want your blog to ...more
Blogging for Dollars
The 9 Conversion Habits of the World's Most Successful Bloggers
27th of April 2017 Guest Blogger 26 Comments

The 9 Conversion Habits of the World’s Most Successful Bloggers

This is a guest contribution from John Stevens. Just how do they do it? From influencing millions to making millions, the world’s most successful bloggers manage to turn visitors into readers, readers into customers, and customers into fans without breaking a sweat. But is it all accidental, or is there any ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How To Get Started With Free Travel When Your Blog is Brand New
22nd of March 2017 Guest Blogger 19 Comments

How To Get Started With Free Travel When Your Blog is Brand New

This is a guest contribution from Dan Bagby of Honeymoon Always. Many travel bloggers start blogging with dreams of getting free travel around the world. Last year, I set out with the goal to see what it would take to make that a reality – and I was surprised at how ...more
Blogging for Dollars
7 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2017 | ProBlogger
7th of March 2017 Jerry Low 35 Comments

7 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2017

Everybody makes mistakes. This is something that can’t be avoided all of the time. In fact, some of those errors can turn into some of your greatest learning experiences. However, one of the best ways to save time and money in your blogging is to learn from the mistakes of ...more
Blog Promotion
6 Highly Effective Ways to Collect Leads Via Your Blog
2nd of March 2017 Guest Blogger 25 Comments

6 Highly Effective Ways to Collect Leads Via Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. In the early days of blogging, there were lots of small niche blogs that resembled online journals or diaries. They were nothing more than virtual spaces for storing thoughts, beliefs, and memories. However, as the internet evolved, so did blogging. Hobby bloggers ...more
Blogging for Dollars
3 biggest business mistakes
1st of March 2017 Ngahuia Galligan 28 Comments

The 3 Biggest Mistakes I Made Starting My Online Business

Setting out by yourself to start a business can be an exciting and also scary time. Whatever your reason for needing to go solo and make it on your own, what follows is usually a messy experiment of failures and successes than eventually (hopefully) becomes a business you can be ...more
Blogging for Dollars
7 Essential Negotiation Skills for Bloggers and Marketers
22nd of February 2017 Guest Blogger 21 Comments

7 Essential Negotiation Skills for Bloggers and Marketers

Simply muttering the word “negotiation” can strike fear into many bloggers and marketers. Negotiation may even evoke as much fear, anxiety, and stress as public speaking. “Fear in negotiations arises in a variety of circumstances,” the authors of Emotions in Negotiation explain. “If we face an aggressive opponent, if we bargain ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Things You can Do to Set Yourself up For Your Best Year of Blogging Yet! | Practical tips on
7th of January 2017 Stacey Roberts 38 Comments

Start With a Bang – Things You can Do to Set Yourself up For Your Best Year of Blogging Yet!

There’s nothing like the dawn of a new year to get the adrenaline pumping, the motivation at DEFCON level, and the desire to do everything right like a new year’s resolution on steroids when it comes to our blogs. Maybe this is the year we get our big break if ...more
Blogging for Dollars
5 Advanced techniques to Monetize Your Blog on
4th of January 2017 Stacey Roberts 14 Comments

New Year Reboot: Advanced Techniques for Making Money on Your Blog

2017 is your year! If you’re thinking of starting a blog, levelling up on your blog, or are looking to take your blog in a new direction, we are deep-diving into our content archives this week for the best posts to help you do just that. Making money on your ...more
Blogging for Dollars