CategoryBlog Promotion

The One Type Of Blog Post That Will Transform Your Blog Immediately
This is a guest contribution from Joe Elliott. How hard can it be when you start a new blog, you create crazy amounts of content and then you need to start generating traffic? You bust your butt off to get 20 posts so that you can say you are good ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Grow Your Fitness Blog to 100,000 Monthly Visitors in Less than a Year
By Alex Chris of How do you build a successful fitness blog? What does it take to start a blog and grow the traffic to 100K monthly visitors in less than a year? If you have a fitness blog or planning to start one or even if you are ...more
Blog Promotion

7 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2017
Everybody makes mistakes. This is something that can’t be avoided all of the time. In fact, some of those errors can turn into some of your greatest learning experiences. However, one of the best ways to save time and money in your blogging is to learn from the mistakes of ...more
Blog Promotion

How Videos Can Transform Your Content Marketing Strategy
This is a guest contribution from Nathalie Cohen-Sheffer. From do-it-yourself tutorials to adorable animal clips, videos are a big part of our life – and business owners as well as bloggers are taking notice. Here are seven reasons why everyone needs to incorporate video into their marketing strategy, and the sooner ...more
Blog Promotion

Blogging in 2017: How to Disrupt and Get Noticed
This is a guest contribution from Sam Warren of Rankpay I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is this: that boring content you’re probably peddling? It’s not worth it anymore. It has its place, but it’s not going to take you to that next level. Don’t get ...more
Blog Promotion

How to Get Traction with Your New Blog
This is it. This is your year, you say. You’ve been tossing up the idea of starting a new blog for ages now. You read blogs, you love the idea of blogging, you may even want to earn some extra cash on the side, and you’ve thought “I could totally ...more
Blog Promotion

Your Niche Is A Small Village: Here’s How To Become Well-Known In it by Marketing Yourself
This is a guest contribution from Victor Ijidola. Sometimes, the way many startups become very well-known after a period of oblivion makes it feel like the industries we operate in are actually small villages. And they really are! Have you noticed? Almost every new company that manages to build a ...more
Blog Promotion

ProBlogger Most Popular Posts on Finding Readers 2016
Earlier posts this week include the most-read ProBlogger articles on creating content, monetization, and social media. How to Get 10x More Traffic Without Spending a Dime on Advertising It’s a situation most of us find ourselves in – trying to grow our blog so we can make money, but we don’t ...more
Blog Promotion

More Ways to Grow Your Blog’s Traffic Without Google Search
By ProBlogger Expert Jerry Low. Google traffic is lucrative – there’s no doubt about that. Often, the most effective way to attract targeted traffic is to make sure your site is optimized for Google searches. As you may have already learned, winning that targeted traffic is one of the top ...more
Blog Promotion