CategoryBlog Design

9 Reasons I Hate Your Blog
By Jerry Low. Does your website have a high bounce rate? What is it about your blog that makes them want to press the back button? The truth is that if your bounce rate is high, then there is something that is causing people to discredit your blog and leave ...more
Blog Design

5 Google Font Combinations That Will Make Your Blog’s Design Sing
By ProBlogger Design Expert Kelly Exeter. When it comes to the readability of your blog, font choice (along with font size and line spacing) is crucial. Unfortunately, this is an area where may bloggers are getting their blog design horribly wrong. Fancy script heading fonts. Tiny text. Lines all squished ...more
Blog Design

The Best Typography Tools To Make Your Blog Super User-Friendly
This is a guest contribution from Leona Henryson. As a blogger, you might spend several hours working on a single post. You search for topic ideas that are trending and relevant to your followers. You spend time researching and narrowing down your topic even further. You write your post, then ...more
Blog Design

Are You Ignoring This All-Important Aspect of Your Blog?
This is a guest contribution from Larry Alton. Content may be king to a successful blogger, but layout and design are also important aspects. Unfortunately, this is a topic that doesn’t come naturally to most bloggers. In fact, it can be a point of conflict for bloggers who have no ...more
Blog Design

How to Give Your Blog Design a Spring Clean
In this next instalment of the #TodayNotSomeday series on the podcast, we’re moving away from creating email lists, optimising signups, and creating autoresponder mailouts, and focusing on the first thing people see when they come to your blog: the design. As you know, the series is working through challenges that ...more
Blog Design

The 5 key elements your blog’s ‘Start Here’ page must have
This is a guest contribution from Kelly Exeter. Imagine this: you’ve written a killer blog post and it’s being shared all over the place. Woo hoo! Your traffic is going through the roof and it’s great fun watching those numbers climb. There’s just one problem; all those new readers are ...more
Blog Design

How to Define Your Blog’s Brand
In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I want to talk to you about blog branding, and how it shapes the relationship between you and your reader. It’s something I think everybody should take seriously, and put thought into, rather than just muddle along and see what happens – it really ...more
Blog Design

Design Trends of 2015: How Your Blog Can Adapt
This is a guest contribution from Owen Andrew. Since mobile internet began to overtake desktop internet usage in January 2014, there have been major innovations in website design in light of this trend. In general, websites have been opting for a simpler, mobile-friendly design. Maintaining a blog in such a ...more
Blog Design

How to Make Your Blog Look Attractive in No Time
This is a guest contribution from Daniel Glickman of Emaze. Appearance matters. How your blog looks when visitors first visit has a powerful effect on their interpretation of the quality of your content. However, when designing your blog, it may be difficult to know what’s most important. Is it better ...more
Blog Design