Kelly Exeter

Check Out These 5 Noteworthy Blog Design Trends
Blog design sure has come a long way since I started doing them 6-7 years ago. Back then the designs were very … bloggy. The most recently written post was given all the prime real estate on the home page, with the next most recent posts appearing beneath it. Sidebars ...more
Blog Design

All Editors are Not the Same, so Which do You Need?
A question that frequently comes up in writing and blogging groups I’m part of is: ‘anyone know a good editor?’ This is usually followed by comments of ‘I used this guy once but it was a frustrating process’, or ‘mine was ok, but I’m not sure I’d recommend them.’ I’ve ...more
Writing Content

The Subtle art of Successful Blogging – an interview with NYT Bestseller Mark Manson
Image credit: Audun Rønningen Mark Manson is arguably one of the hottest bloggers in the world right now. Over two million people visit his self-improvement blog each month and his new book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life has gone ...more
Writing Content

My 6 Best Tips for Beating Blogger Overwhelm
This is a guest contribution from ProBlogger Expert Kelly Exeter. It was the toaster that did it in the end. I’d been juggling work around school holidays. I had a book in its pre-launch phase. I was trying to figure out in which of my already tight days I could ...more
Be Productive

The One Reason Your Amazing Blog Post Hasn’t Gone Viral (and 8 Things You Can Do About It)
This is a guest contribution from ProBlogger Expert Kelly Exeter. So you’ve written an AMAZING blog post; one you know contains everything it needs to go viral: Irresistibly magnetic headline Compelling hook Content that addresses a genuine pain point for your readers Powerful storytelling You put it out into the ...more
Blog Promotion

5 Google Font Combinations That Will Make Your Blog’s Design Sing
By ProBlogger Design Expert Kelly Exeter. When it comes to the readability of your blog, font choice (along with font size and line spacing) is crucial. Unfortunately, this is an area where may bloggers are getting their blog design horribly wrong. Fancy script heading fonts. Tiny text. Lines all squished ...more
Blog Design

The 5 key elements your blog’s ‘Start Here’ page must have
This is a guest contribution from Kelly Exeter. Imagine this: you’ve written a killer blog post and it’s being shared all over the place. Woo hoo! Your traffic is going through the roof and it’s great fun watching those numbers climb. There’s just one problem; all those new readers are ...more
Blog Design