5 Steps to Creating a Productive Blogging To Do List
I have always been a to do list writer, but I haven’t always used a to do list productively. See if any of the following sound familiar, you: Write things on your to do list after you have done them, just so you can cross them off. Add so much on your ...more
Be Productive
The Complete Guide to HTTP Codes and Redirects
HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP codes and redirects, are vital to your SEO efforts. Status code 400 and 500 errors can derail your web traffic, and cause Google Panda penalties. HTTP codes and redirects can be caused by DNS errors, server errors, and robots failure. “Sitemaps that contain bad URLs ...more
Search Engine Optimization
188: How to Build Two Successful Blogs (and the Pros and Cons of Doing so)
The Pros and Cons of Having More Than One Blog In today’s lesson, I want to talk about having more than one blog on the go at once. Regular listeners of this podcast know I have two main blog – ProBlogger and Digital Photography School. I’m fortunate enough to have ...more
Increasing productivity
5 Blogging Tips From A Social Entrepreneur
This is a guest contribution from James Aschehoug. While the modern social entrepreneur may be heavily focused on ideals — whether they be ideological, concrete, or hopefully a mixture of both — it is necessary to use all of the relevant tools and technologies available to help your dream become a ...more
Build Community
Has Google’s ‘Fred’ Update Left Your Rankings Dead?
Recently, Google’s ‘Fred’ ranking update hit the search pages. While Google hasn’t confirmed the update, it’s certainly live. Webmasters across the board have been impacted by Fred, but not every page is created similarly. Low-value content and poorly configured sites are taking a heavy blow. Meanwhile, SEO-jammed pages prioritising revenue ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Why Medium is the Best Marketing For Your Blog
Photo Credit: Pineapple Supply Co This is a guest contribution from Tiffany Sun of Rabbut. It’d always frustrate me after I publish a post on my blog. Simply because no one would respond or share it. Did I pick a boring topic? Did I not provide enough value to readers? ...more
Blog Promotion
187: Is Written Content Dead?
What the Future Looks Like for Written Content In today’s lesson, I want to talk to you about written content vs other mediums and respond to a few questions I’ve been getting lately about which medium is best to focus upon and to answer the question – is the future ...more
Creating Content
The One Type Of Blog Post That Will Transform Your Blog Immediately
This is a guest contribution from Joe Elliott. How hard can it be when you start a new blog, you create crazy amounts of content and then you need to start generating traffic? You bust your butt off to get 20 posts so that you can say you are good ...more
Blog Promotion
How to Earn Extra Money Freelancing While Starting a Blog
This is a guest contribution from Kevin Balcker. You should already know that earning money with a blog does not happen overnight. It takes time, consistent publishing of great content, and unique smart ideas to make a blog take off. Depending on the niche you want to get in, ranking in ...more
Other Income Streams