You Need to Be (Better Than) a Jerk
This guest post is by Joe Bunting of The Write Practice. You’ve been told that controversy sells. You’ve heard you need to use hyperbole in your headlines. You’ve tried to create polarizing content that gets comments rolling in like crazy. You’ve heard that being a jerk is the key to ...more
Writing Content

Develop Your Link Bait Repertoire
This guest post is by Jacob of BlogRevolter.com. One of the most basic things that we can do to understand how Google functions is to understand how they determine which pages are considered strong and which are not. At the very core of its algorithm is the reliance on linksóthe ...more
Writing Content

Find Out What Readers Think (and Feel) About Your Blog
Yesterday I shared a little exercise to help bloggers gain clarity around the branding of their blogs. The idea was to simply list what you want your readers to think and say about your blog. Today I thought I’d share a followup exercise—one that I also do on my own ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Tim Ferriss Busted the Biggest Myth About Blog Success
This guest post is by Amy Porterfield of AmyPorterfield.com. When it came to building my business with social media, I lived by the motto, “More is better.” I applied every social media strategy I learned, stacking plan after plan and idea after idea. Then I read Tim Ferriss’ new book. ...more
Social Media

What Do You Want People to Say About Your Blog? A Blog Branding Exercise
“A brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”—Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder. This quote gets pulled out a lot by bloggers (I’ve used it three times in the last week myself) but I wonder if it might be time to give it a little more ...more
Blog Promotion

Got 30 Minutes? Learn How The Ninja Turns Blogs Into Real Businesses
Skip the Backstory and Take me to the Free Video and MindMap! In 2002 I started my first blog without even the hint that blogging would be anything more to me than a hobby. Over the years that have followed I began to see the potential of blogging to make ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Reading Blogs for Fun and Profit
This guest post is by Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing. How much time do you spend reading blogs? A few hours per week? Maybe even a few hours per day? I spend at least an hour per day, and sometimes more. You have to, if you want to keep up ...more

How to Optimize Your WordPress Database for Better Performance
This guest post is by Lior Levin. Optimizing the databases of your WordPress blog sounds like it might be a difficult task, but it’s a lot easier than it sounds. In most situations it can be done in just one or two clicks—no need for complicated steps or terminology. You’re ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Talking Funny: What Can Bloggers Learn from Comedians?
This guest post is by Dan Meyers of Your Life, Their Life. I recently watched Ricky Gervais’ new show on HBO, Talking Funny, with guest comedians Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and Louis C.K. These guys are the top of their field and use the show to discuss their strategies. If ...more
Writing Content