Use External Links to Boost Your Credibility
Bloggers are always happy to link to a resource we think is good, or a product or service with which we’re affiliated. But there are other kinds of external links that too few bloggers use: links to sources of information we’ve found links to creators of content we’re citing links ...more
Writing Content

3 Tactics I Used to Develop a PageRank 5 Blog in 5 Months
This guest post is by John Saddington of TentBlogger. We all know that having a blog can enhance your freelancing business and serve as an effective marketing tool for your products and services—that’s given. And although it’s easy to get a blog started (and to start a freelancing business) it’s much ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Boost Your Blog #11: Link to Hosts and Theme Providers with Affiliate Links
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 11. Link to your hosting or blog theme provider with an affiliate link I spoke with one craft blogger recently who has a medium-sized blog and told me that her third-strongest income ...more
Affiliate Programs

13 Ways for Bloggers to Make Money with Advertising
Recently, I posted my “How bloggers make money MindMap” on Google+. I’ve had a few people ask for clarification around the Advertising section, and what all the options there mean. Here’s a summary: 1. Ad networks These are services like AdSense and Chitika but also smaller or more local ones ...more

The Humble Telephone is Making a Comeback … for Bloggers
This guest post is by David Edwards of www.asittingduck.com. I’m not sure why, but when you start blogging, you forget all about how businesses run. It’s true that there are bloggers out there who wake up to full PayPal accounts and affiliate cheques flying through their doors. But if you’re in ...more
Blog Promotion

Boost Your Blog #10: Create a Hire Me Page
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 10. Create a Hire Me page This won’t relate to all bloggers but if you have a skill or service that you can offer your readers, don’t just assume that they’ll come ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

The 7 Cs of Business Communication: Make Your Posts Shareworthy Every Time
This guest post is by Marya of Writing Happiness. When I finished my MBA degree about a decade ago, I undertook a course which taught me how to write great content for my blog. Sceptical? I know what you are thinking: blogging wasn’t even around then! I know. Allow me ...more
Writing Content

Online Success Need Not Be Measured in Enemies
This guest post is by Margie Clayman of margieclayman.com. One of my favorite Elvis Costello choruses goes like this: “What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love, and understanding?” I have always liked that song, but I never really thought I would live in a time where that question would resonate. I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Boost Your Blog #9: Create a Resources Page
Continuing our discussion of things you should be doing right now to improve your blog, today’s tip is: 9. Create a Resources page One page on ProBlogger that has worked well for me is a Blogging Resources page (it is actually a page I need to update further). The page ...more
Writing Content