Guest Blogger

YouTube Comes of Age
13th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 14 Comments

YouTube Comes of Age

We’ve recently been playing with video blogging more. Darren has done several in the past weeks and I’ve got a couple buried around too. The most popular video hosting service around, YouTube, has come under fire recently for performance and availability reasons. It’s a big service. They have done a ...more
Blog News
Effective Blog Architecture
11th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 25 Comments

Effective Blog Architecture

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things for me as a professional blogger with decent depth in my archives – some really good content and some (perhaps more) not so great content – is figuring out the best way to present it. Blog architecture is a challenging topic since most ...more
Blog Design
Controlling the Googlebot
9th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 13 Comments

Controlling the Googlebot

How to control what gets indexed by Google and when? That is the question. Most of the time, we want Google to snarf up as many pages as possible. In my own experience, I can think of a few times when indexing was not something I wanted and I had ...more
Gaining the Second Indented Google Listing
9th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 7 Comments

Gaining the Second Indented Google Listing

You might wonder how you can get Google to grant you a second indented link underneath a primary result in SERPs on a search phrase. To demonstrate what I’m talking about, I searched for blogs and adsense which conveniently, this blog has the number one ranking on. At the top ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Flat Fee Advertising All That’s Left?
7th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 26 Comments

Flat Fee Advertising All That’s Left?

If you go by the story from SEOMoz, there’s too much fraud in the advertising arena and the only format that makes sense for advertisers is flat-rate models such as Text Link Ads (aff). The post writer, Michael Martinez, cites a staggering fact that 14% of clicks in the click-through ...more
College-Startup for Sale!
7th of July 2006 Guest Blogger 17 Comments

College-Startup for Sale!

College Startup is a wonderful little blog that I was turned onto some time ago by Darren. Since then, it has been a notable little item in my Bloglines account which was where today I found out that its owner, Ben Bleikamp, has decided to sell. The auction is being ...more
Blog News
The Ethics of Profile Peddling
30th of June 2006 Guest Blogger 19 Comments

The Ethics of Profile Peddling

Profile Peddling. I don’t know that it’s really a word but I don’t really honestly know what else to call it. It is the practice of opening up accounts at supporting services such as Flickr or MySpace in order to funnel traffic to a blog or website. It’s been a ...more
Blog Promotion
The SiteMeter Frenzy: Is it Really Necessary?
16th of June 2006 Guest Blogger 31 Comments

The SiteMeter Frenzy: Is it Really Necessary?

This post was contributed by Aaron Brazell, a regular ProBlogger contributor. Last year, in the early days of my “problogging”, I was in New York City with a friend of mine who was attending Ad:Tech. He was attending, I was working on a book. Later in the evening, he was ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
WordPress Plugin: Timecapsule
1st of June 2006 Guest Blogger 25 Comments

WordPress Plugin: Timecapsule

This post was contributed by Aaron Brazell, a regular ProBlogger contributor. Update: A new version of the plugin has been uploaded. I accidentally published this early and had to pull it back because it wasn’t ready-for-live yet. RSS subscribers, you got a sneak peek early but I wasn’t ready. Now ...more