Darren Rowse

Blog Network Poll Results
The last Poll of the Week (which went for around 3 weeks while I was away) asked the question: Do you Blog for any Blog Networks? The results were simple. Of the 574 respondents – 70% said No and 30% said yes.
Pro Blogging News

Chitika Developing Text Ads Again?
Digital Inspiration has the scoop on Chitika moving back into normal contextual text ads. These are ads that they originally launched Chitika with before developing eMiniMalls but which they put on hold (and many thought scrapped) when eMiniMalls took off. Looks like they are back (or at least it looks ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

Domain Competition – 105 minutes to go
My competition for submitting a domain name for my next blog ends in 105 minutes. To be in the running for the $100 (USD) PayPal transfer or Amazon voucher get your entries in according to the details at Help me choose a domain name. 104 minutes now…. Update: Times up ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Top 100 Blog for Sale
Jeremy Wright has just announced that he’s brokering the sale of a fairly significant blog in his MASSIVE Blog for Sale post. He doesn’t say what blog it is but gives a few hints that it’s a fairly sizable one: ‘This is one of the defining blogs in the industry. ...more
Pro Blogging News

Building Blog Traffic Podcast
If you’ve got a spare 38 minutes and 9.1 megabytes of space on your computer or iPod you might like to listen to me talking with Yaro on the topic of Building Blog Traffic. We recorded it a few weeks back – it’s pretty informal but might be helpful to ...more
Pro Blogging News

9 Ways to Screw Up Your Professional Blog
Today I spent a few hours surfing through this blog’s archives as part of my annual review. One of the many things I noticed is that there are many articles on how to improve your blog and hardly any on how to totally screw it up. I thought it was ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog – Interview with Yvonne Divita
There’s a useful recording over at Andy’s blog if you’re wanting to build traffic on your blog. It’s an interview with Yvonne Divita from Lipsticking blog on the topic of How to Get Traffic to Your Blog. It’s pretty basic information but it’s good and it’s free. I’m listening to ...more
Blog Promotion

ProBlogger Motivational Posters
I’ve just been having a bit of fun with the Flickr Motivator Toy. Maybe I should get into the motivational poster business :-) (there’s a second one below the fold).
ProBlogger Site News

AdSense Advanced Referrals Reports – Coming Soon
One of the common complaints I’ve seen from AdSense publishers is a lack of detail in their referrals stats. Inside AdSense gives a hint that this will change with their post – A referrals refresher: ‘We’ll soon be making ‘Advanced Reports’ available for referrals. This will allow you to see ...more