Darren Rowse

Weekend Link Round Up
Some links that I found in my RSS feed after returning from our weekend road-trip: Scrivs writes a post that has generated some interesting discussion in comments at Why Blog Networks Will Fail This Year Jeremy has delayed the start of the auction of the big blog he’s brokering a ...more
Pro Blogging News

SixApart Launch Affiliate Program
SixApart (the creators of Movable Type and TypePad) have just announced an affiliate program. You can earn 10% per licence if you recommend someone to Movable Type, $3 per trial subscriber for TypePad and 20% of paid subscription (up to $5) for LiveJournal referrals.
Affiliate Programs

Award for Best Blog Awards – Nominations Open
It’s that time of the year when every second day there seems to be a new blog award announced for people to nominate blogs for and then to vote for. So I thought maybe it was time for someone to run a ‘blog award award’. I’m going to do it ...more
Blog Networks

Investment Blogging
Nice post by Chris again over at Performancing – Maximise Your Income With Common Sense: ‘Answer this, what is the basic unit of blogging? The blog post. Each post is like an individual worker in your workforce. Some posts might work harder than others. Some attract more attention than others. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Do you find Google Analytics Helpful
If you’ve been waiting for an Google to reopen it’s doors to Google Analytics users your wait might almost be over with an announcement to that effect on their update page. ‘We’ve added enough capacity that we are re-opening signups on an invitation basis. Many of our users who previously ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense Ties your Secret Blogs To You
If you have a blog that you don’t want anyone to know about and you use AdSense be careful about activating the ‘advertise on this site’ feature. Jensense points out that it’s one way that can give away who you are. Of course the other way is to do a ...more

Turning your Weaknesses into Strength and Threats into Opportunities
Nice post over at Jason’s blog on Turning your biggest weakness into your greatest strength – in it Jason talks about how Weblogs Inc’s biggest weakness was always servers going down (I hear his pain) but that this past week or so has seen them kicking some goals in that ...more
Pro Blogging News

Is ProBlogger an Infomercial Blog
Eric at Subnixus just posted a post titled The Infomercial Blogs which caught my attention tonight for a number of reasons – the main one being that he writes that ProBlogger, Jensense and his own blog are like infomercials. I’ll not do his post justice by paraphrasing it so feel ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blog Platforms – Poll of the Week
This week’s poll is on a topic I’ve been wanting to investigate for a while now. The question is: What Blog Platform Do You Use Most? Are you a WordPress fan, MovableType, Drupal, Blogger.com, TypePad or do you prefer one of the other many varieties of ways of getting a ...more
Blogging Tools and Services