Darren Rowse

Blog Cruise Participants Need to ReRegister
Just a short note to say that if you’ve registered for the Blogonomics Cruise that you might need to read this and re-register because organizers had a hitch with the registration process – in short they didn’t get everyone’s details so you might think you’re going but they might not ...more
Pro Blogging News

Adsense Tracker Software Review | Performancing.com
Chris writes a useful review of the AdSense Statistics package AdSense Gold (aff link) which is a package I’ve considered purchasing for a while now. The tracker gives you a whole new level of AdSense statistics. He writes: ‘Using this script I found out that all the clicks on one ...more

Writing Integrity Day
Andy Wibbels is having a writing integrity day. What is it? It’s pretty simple really – it’s an attempt to get all that writing you’ve been putting off done by being a little accountable to others. He’s done it before – it goes something like this: We all get on ...more
Writing Content

YPN Banning Some Publishers for Excessive non US Traffic
It looks like YPN have started banning some publishers for sending too much international traffic to their advertisers. Messages like this one have been sent to publishers being banned for this: ‘We have terminated your Yahoo! Publisher Network beta account [ACCOUNT ID] for breach of the Terms and Conditions and/or ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Rouse or Rowse?
Just a quickie. I’ve noticed a bit of confusion over my name of late – particularly with the letter ‘U’ slipping in. It’s actually Rowse. Of course to confuse the issue it’s pronounced like you’d say it if you were to spell it Rouse…. like House and Mouse – but ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Know More Media Blog Network
Just stumbled over Know More Media, a new (launched mid December, I must have missed it in the end of year frenzy) blog network that has quickly launched quite a few blogs – all focussing upon business. I’m yet to get through all of their blogs yet but some of ...more
Blog Networks

Some Google AdSense Payments Late
It dawned on me last night that I have not had a cheque from AdSense arrive in my PO Box for quite a while so I went digging back through my records. Lucky I did because the one that my payment records say was issued on 23 December never actually ...more

Midnight Links
Here’s a few random links I came across today to keep those of you on the other side of the world amused while I sleep tonight. Enjoy: WordPress 2.0.1 Released – pretty self explanatory. Dave Taylor asks the question – Does Your Top Level Domain Affect Your Search Engine Rankings? ...more
Pro Blogging News

Six Figure Blogging to Attend Blog Cruise
Well it’s official – I’m now one of the presenters on the Blogonomics Blog Cruise (my page is yet to go up on the presenters list but trust me – barring unforeseeable circumstances I’ll be there – update – it’s up now – although they must not have like my ...more
Pro Blogging News