Darren Rowse

Blog Format Discussion
There has been a bit of talk in the last few days about the need for new ways of formatting blogs. Michael Parekh talks On Blogs Stuck in a Rut: ‘I’ve long wondered how great it would be if my current blogging platform Typepad (a part of Six Apart) or ...more
Blog Design

Favicon Maker
If you’re looking to put a favicon (one of those little pictures that sites next to a URL in your browser) on your blog but don’t know how to make one you might like to play with the Favicon from Pics tool. All you do is enter a picture and ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Page Rank Update Underway
Tim just alerted me to the fact that it seems Google are doing one of it’s periodic Page Rank Updates. These updates take a little while to show up on all data-centers around the world so it could take a day or two to shakedown – but you can read ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Using Titles Effectively on Blogs
My Mum drilled into me at a young age that first impressions are important. Outside of the design of your blog (that’s a whole other post) perhaps the best way of creating that impression is though your post’s title. Titles are so important on many fronts – including: Grabbing Attention ...more
Writing Content

Speed Linking
Scott Jangro writes MonoBlogs and DiaBlogs Trevor Butterworth writes another blogging is dead type post as does Daniel Gross (via Henry) Ted Demopoulos writes a post on how blogging can help local businesses (via Kevin) Matt from WordPress writes that someone out there is impersonating him and trying to get ...more
Pro Blogging News

Promote your Blog through Rojo’s FeedShare
If you’re looking to promote your blog through advertising but don’t have a budget for it you might want to look at a new service that Rojo (a feed reader) is rolling out called FeedShare. The system is basically an automated ad swapping service where you place an AdSense like ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ClickBank adds Search to Marketplace
There was some good news for Clickbank Affiliates on their ClickBank Web Log a couple of days ago. They’ve added search capabilities to their Marketplace area (where affiliates go to find products to promote). This has been a much needed feature and something many will be very happy to see. ...more
Affiliate Programs

Granular (One Topic) Posts
One topic per post – We’ve already spoken in this series about choosing a niche topic for your blog, but another strategy of many successful blogs is that in addition to having an over arching niche topic they tend to have each post focus upon a more tightly targetted topic. ...more
Writing Content

Post Length – How Long Should a Blog Post Be?
We might as well continue exploring the topic of writing good content with a topic that has been debated by bloggers rather hotly over the years, the length of the optimum post. There are a number of ways of looking at it: Reader Attention Span – It is pretty well ...more
Writing Content