Darren Rowse

The Single-Page AdSense site
Eric’s written an interesting post today on The Single-Page AdSense site which might be of interest to bloggers. It’s a different strategy to how most bloggers use AdSense (blogs tend to be very much about a linked site with loads of outbound links and options for readers to click on ...more

Generating Ideas for your Blog
Liz has a nice post on being an Idea Magnet today that I’m sure many will enjoy. As she writes – one of the most difficult parts of blogging for many is coming up with ideas that are fresh and engaging. I know after three years of blogging I have ...more
Writing Content

Introduction to Advertising Optimization – Ad Position
Perhaps one of the most common mistakes that I see bloggers making with the positioning of advertising is with regards to position. In fact this is not a unique thing for blogs or even just online advertising as effective advertising relies upon positioning in all of it’s forms. This is ...more

Introduction to Advertising Optimization – Traffic
To round out the Blogging for Beginners section on blogging for an income I want to touch on a few introductory principles for optimising advertising on blogs over the next few posts. There are many different direct income earning methods (as outlined previously) and each will have it’s own ways ...more

How to Check if a Site has been Banned from AdSense
Jensense has been a little quiet lately as a result of speaking at and attending different conferences but today she’s posted a very helpful guide to Safeguarding yourself when purchasing a site for AdSense. I’ve heard of a number of blogs being bought in the hope of adding AdSense ads ...more

Seth Godin speaks at Google – Video
If you like Seth Godin you might enjoy this video of him presenting at Google.
Pro Blogging News

Penis Enlargements and the Problem with Comment Subscriptions
A few months back I installed a WordPress plugin that allowed readers to tick a box when leaving a comment to be notified via email when more comments on that post came in. The idea behind the plugin is a great one – it extends the conversation on posts beyond ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Speed Linking – 5 March 2006
Blog Business World writes on Organic SEO Arieanna asks Traffic versus subscribers – which means more? Digital Point Forums has a discussion around the question ‘how many of you left your day job??’ ipears writes on the Importance of a good Description
Pro Blogging News

SEO for Product Reviews
Graywolf is writing a useful series of posts on the topic of SEO for Product Reviews: ‘About 18 to 24 months ago Google started giving pages with “keyword review” or “keyword reviews” favorable rankings in it’s algorthym for “keyword” searches. It’s hard to say whether they are devaluing on page ...more
Search Engine Optimization