Darren Rowse

ebay AdContext Product Manager Sheds Light on Program
One of the product managers from ebay’s new AdContext contextual ad program, Ken, has just left a comment on my previous post about AdContext. As the comment was pretty long and quite comprehensive I thought I’d promote it to be a post of it’s own. Hopefully it sheds some light ...more

Cold Call Blogging and Effective Selling on Blogs
It always amazes me how badly some businesses interact with potential clients. Yesterday I had the ‘pleasure’ of receiving three calls in 10 minutes from a tele-sales company where the callers (3 different ones) started their calls (where they were trying to sell me a mobile phone) with these three ...more
Affiliate Programs

YPN launches Publisher Services and New Help Center
YPN have just released a new section for their publishers called ‘publisher services’. (hat tip to Scott for the email headsup). I’ve included a screen shot of it below but it’s basically a collection of tutorials and tools to help publishers improve three aspects of their site development. Here’s how ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

Digg CEO responds to Netscape challenge
Richard MacManus has posted a response to the launch of Netscape from Digg’s CEO, Jay Adelson. In it Jay questions the scalability of Netscape and the level that users will actually be involved in it (both as a result of the editing processes that are built into Netscape). Read the ...more
Social Media

YPN adds RPC (Revenue Per Click) to reports
YPN has made a number of changes in their reports and control panel. One of the main ones that caught my eye was a new column in their reports: Avg. RPC ($) which stands for ‘Average Revenue Per Click’ which they define as: “This shows the average amount of revenue ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

AOL Relaunch Netscape as Social Bookmarking Site
It looks like AOL’s relaunch of Netscape is underway. At this point it’s happening as a beta at http://www.beta.netscape.com/. First impressions They are obviously looking to compete pretty directly with Digg but on a wider range of topics (or channels). Their ‘votes’ set up is very digg-ish. One thing I ...more
Pro Blogging News

Marketing Blog Awards
Marketing Sherpa has opened nominations for their Marketing Blog and Podcast awards. Their categories are: B-to-B marketing Search marketing Affiliate marketing Email marketing PR Advertising Marketing to a specific consumer demographic (ie. women, kids) Blogging or podcasting as a marketing tactic Viral, word of mouth, buzz, social marketing Small business ...more
Pro Blogging News

Why bloggers blog – The Age
Melbourne paper, The Age (Sydney Morning Herald had it too) features an article today titled Why bloggers blog which takes a walk through the blogosphere (with a distinct Aussie flavor) talking to bloggers about their motivation for blogging. It features some of my favorite bloggers including Claire Robertson from LoobyLu, ...more
Pro Blogging News

How to Install WordPress Locally on a PC
Geeks are Sexy have a useful post on Installing WordPress Locally Under Windows XP for those of you who might like to do so (and those who have a PC). As Kiltak comments in the posts, having a local version can be ‘useful because it lets you fool around with ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips