Darren Rowse

AdSense Announce Google Gadget Ads
I’ve been seeing these on a few blogs lately (they must have been part of a beta test) – but today AdSense have launched another type of ad unit – Google Gadget Ads. Gadget Ads are a little hard to explain (In essence they are a mini web page that ...more

Make Money Online Blogs – Should You Start One and How to Choose a Profitable Topic
In today’s video post I want to respond to a reader’s email by talking a little about how to choose a niche topic for your blog.
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How Not Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water Earned me Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars
Today I want to tell you a story – a story of how not throwing the baby out with the bath water has earned me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just under two years ago a controversy erupted in the the ‘make money online’ segment of the blogosphere that involved ...more
Chitika eMiniMalls

What are your BlogRush Statistics Like?
It seems that BlogRush (the traffic generating tool released earlier in the week which I gave a first impression review of here) has updated the member dashboard to give publishers statistics on how things are performing. I’d be interested to collect some data from readers on how it is going ...more
Blog Promotion

Speedlinking – 19 September 2007
A few links for your reading pleasure from the last few days: SEOmoz has taken on VC funding to help it continue to grow and improve. Liz shares the secret to massive Digg and StumbleUpon Traffic without spamming Interesting Observations does some analysis of how many times top blogs use ...more
Pro Blogging News

Can a Blog Get Too Much Exposure?
Reader question time – can a blog get too much exposure? I was over at Techmeme earlier today and after scanning through the latest stories there realized that TechCrunch is mentioned over 60 times on the front page. I did a keyword density test on the page and the word ...more
Reader Questions

Monetize Your Mobile Website with AdSense
AdSense publishers who are logging into their AdSense accounts today will notice a new link in their Overview page – AdSense for Mobile – Get Started. It seems that AdSense have just launched this new service which enables publishers with Mobile websites to monetize them. To use it you need ...more

Amazon Announce Amazon Widgets for Associates
The Amazon Associates Program have entered the 21st Century by announcing Amazon Widgets. They’ve gone fully into it with 16 widgets for your blog covering a range of functions (listed below). Some of the widgets are open to everyone – others are exclusively for Amazon Associates (those enrolled in the ...more
Affiliate Programs

Thanks to Our Sponsors
I just wanted to take a few minutes out today to extend a thank you to our site sponsors who have been with us for this month. This is the group of companies that has made our recent redesign possible – I’d encourage you to check out what they have ...more
ProBlogger Site News