Darren Rowse

Aweber to Release Subscriber Count Chicklet This Week
As a followup to my post last week on why I use Aweber to deliver my newsletters – a little bird just told me that Aweber will be announcing a scriber count chicklet in the coming days. This new feature is to go live on Tuesday and is is similar ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Enter Our SNAP ProBlogger Book Competition
I’ve got a spare ProBlogger Book sitting here on my desk with one of your names on it. To win – in comments below simply leave a link to your blog (if you have one) and in under 250 words tell us why you need the book. What do you ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to use PR People to Build Traffic for your Blog
There’s a lot of talk that goes around the blogosphere about how PR people try to USE bloggers to help their clients – but how can bloggers USE PR people (or at least make the relationship a little more mutually beneficial)? In this post Erik Sebellin-Ross from Ready Aim Reach ...more
Blog Promotion

Does Twitter Distract From or Inspire Your Blogging?
Sarah from Blogversary emailed me earlier today with a question/observation about some people and their use of social messaging tools like Twitter and Plurk. Her email included: Do think Twitter has had a negative impact on some folk’s blogs? As in, they are blogging less? My initial reaction to her ...more
Reader Questions

What are the Benefits of Adding Video to your Blog?
A number of weeks ago skinner (from Twitter) asked me: “what are the benefits of adding video to your blog?” I thought it’d make an interesting reader question. How would you answer it? Do you use video on your blog? Why (or why not)? What do you like and dislike ...more
Reader Questions

A Blogger’s Guide to Branding with Social Media
This is a guest post from Steven Snell. Steven writes about social media marketing at Traffikd. As the number of blogs online continues to grow rapidly every day, the need for effective branding is also constantly increasing. Branding allows you to stand out from others in your niche and show ...more
Social Media

SparkplugU – Training for Work at Home Workers
Wendy at SparkPlugging (formally e-Moms At Home) is today launching a new learning area called SparkPlugU. Drawing on the expert writers that write for the Sparkplugging blog network they have put together a variety of short courses on different aspects of working at home such as business and productivity. Courses ...more
Pro Blogging News

Australians Getting Raw Deal iPhone 3G Plans
I don’t usually go off topic here at ProBlogger but just having seen the Telstra Plans for the iPhone 3G (a device I was excited to be able to use in my blogging) I’m incredibly frustrated. If you’re sick of iPhone blog posts today – feel free to skip this ...more
ProBlogger Site News