Darren Rowse

Talking Blog Networks
There has been ALOT of talk around the blogosphere about blog networks lately – ALOT! Some of it is as a result of the closing of the Know More Media blog network, some of it as a result of AOL and Gawker making changes to the way their networks pay ...more
Blog Networks

8 Useful Tips for Building Your Mommy Blog Into a Business
Today Vered DeLeeuw from MomGrind suggests ways for turning a mommy blog into a business. These tips are not limited to mommy blogs: they can be applied to personal blogs in general. Image by KellyandApril. MomGrind is a personal blog. It chronicles my thoughts and struggles. It is where I ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

12 Hours To Go to Win a Flip in the BlogMastermind Competition (plus a new bonus)
36 hours ago I announced the re-launch of Yaro’s BlogMastermind Blog Mentoring program. As part of my promotion of it I offered any ProBlogger reader who signs up the chance to win one of six prizes. First prize is a Flip Video Mino Series Camcorder (worth $179) and 5 runners ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Add These Plurk Users as Your Friends
Today the Social Media Love-In here at ProBlogger continues with a list of 145 bloggers who use Plurk. So far we’ve presented you with bloggers who use Digg, some that use StumbleUpon and a lot of them who use Twitter. Today’s list is smaller than the others but I think ...more
Social Media

Win a Full Conference Pass at Blog World Expo!
One of my biggest regrets of 2007 was not being able to attend Blog World Expo. The reports that came out of BWE from thousands of bloggers were quite amazing. Rich networking, great teaching, showcases of services and tools for bloggers and much much more. This year Blog World Expo ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Blog Hosting Recommendations – Who Hosts Yours?
Editor: Check out this post on Darren’s updated recommendations for best blog hosting options for bloggers in 2018 “Can you give me advice on which host to go with to host my blog?” It’s a question that I’m asked a lot – but one that I can’t offer a lot ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

BlogMastermind Launches
As this post goes live the doors at the BlogMastermind blog mentoring program are opening again for the first time in many months. When he first launched BlogMastermind I was really impressed by what Yaro had put together. He didn’t just rely upon the fact that he earns a six ...more
Featured Posts

Performancing Ad Network
In the last week a new ad network has launched – PerformancingAds. Bloggers who have been around for a while will know that this isn’t the first time Performancing have ventured into the ad network space – they previously launched a network back in 2006 but closed it down last ...more

Conversations On Relational Blogging Continue
A week ago today I published a post asking ‘has Blogging has lost its relational focus?‘ It was a post that generated some great conversation in comments and one that sparked other bloggers to pick up on the thread and write about it on their own blogs. Today I thought ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips