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Are you Ready to Win some Cash? The ProBlogger Giveaway continues!

problogger-birthday-bash.jpgMuch like the opportunity to win the iPods the other day, this giveaway requires you to do only one very simple thing, and you can do it right here in the comments section of this post. But first…

The Prizes:

All are listed in US Dollars unless otherwise mentioned.

How To Enter:

In the comments section of this post (and you’re welcome to post your entry on your blog if you wish, but it’s not required as long as you’ve posted it here) finish this statement: “If I had a million dollars…”

Sure, we don’t have a million, but we’ve got quite a bit here to give away! $3,364.33 just in cash and Amazon Gift Certificates (and another couple bucks in non-American money with a bonus NFL Pro Bowl Ballot that we have no idea the monetary value of) to be exact!

So there you have it. Be funny, silly, serious, it doesn’t matter! Just finish that statement in the comments section of this post and you’re entered to win one of the above prizes.

Rules: One entry per person. If you have already won something from one of our other giveaways, you are not eligible to win. Winning one of the prizes listed above will prevent you from being able to win any other prizes for the duration of the giveaway.

Winners are chosen at random using a random number generator. You may not “pick” the prize you want, we will award them in the order that we receive the random winners.

This contest begins at 9am on Friday, October 5, EST (New York, USA) and ends on Saturday, October 6 at 9am EST (Again, New York, USA). We will close comments at that time.

PS: We are about to turn the ProBlogger Birthday Bash into OVERDRIVE! Up til this point we’ve been giving prizes away every 24 hours – but in a few hours we’re going to accelerate the pace a little and the giveaways will start coming every 8 hours (with a few more 24 hour ones thrown in) until the end of the weekend!

Make sure you’re subscribed to our feed now or you’ll miss out!


This one’s closed, and winners have all been notified by email.Check out our newest 24 hour giveaway, or see what’s going on in the 8 hour collections!

  1. If I had a million dollars, I’d live like a bum and enjoy life =D

  2. If I had a million dollars…i’d travel to Europe and USA, and I’d give some money to my family.

  3. If I had a million dollars, I’d go on a six month tour through Europe.

  4. If I had a million dollars… I would take my girl to Disney Land Florida to show her an amazing holiday.

  5. If I had a million dollars… I would buy 950,000 lottery tickets. I would also buy the most expensive shoes and the most expensive watch I could find, because people notice these things and I would be able to brag about how expensive my watch and my shoes were. And I would spend what was left on a couch, so I wouldn’t have to sleep on someone else’s any more.


  6. If I had a million dollars…I’d pay off my bills and my mothers, invest 70% of the leftover and use the remaining 30% to have one hell of a good time.

  7. If I had a million dollars… I’d build a dome so I could play wiffleball all year long.

  8. If I had a million dollars I would buy a pack of cigarettes and go buy some new clothes.

    The small things make life better. Especially when one can buy so many of them…

  9. Sean Connell says: 10/06/2007 at 4:02 am

    If I had a million dollars I would put it in a high interest account and invest the other part of it. That way I wouldn’t have to work, and could focus on whatever I wanted to.


    I’d redesign my blog, and get my own datacenter server, and buy a 2 terabyte desktop computer with five monitors, and a high-end laptop with 750 gigs, and hire five bloggers to post on my blog. They would also get a cut of the ad revenue. I would hire blog designers to tweak and streamline my fine blog full-time.

    I’d also help out my family and community, and develop ways to GIVE BACK to the ProBlogger community as well as to bloggers in general!

    I love problogging so much!

  11. […] $54,000 ProBlogger Giveaway.  YEAH!!! I also donated $50 bucks which is being given away in today’s 24 hr giveaway.  If you haven’t entered in any of the prizes then you’re a lamo! You have nothing to […]

  12. If I had a million dollars, then out of one half I’d give some to my greedy friends and relatives, just to shut them up. Save some for the future. The other half I’ll blow it on getting a house that’s more of a library than a house and filling it … what else?! Books!!! Lol.

  13. If I had a million dollars I would open my own recording studio and create an online record label. ;)

  14. If I had a million dollars… I’d pay off all my debt, buy a house, buy a few new toys (camera gear), and invest the remaining amount. Depending on how much was left to invest, I might keep some aside and quit my day job to try blogging and photography full time… at least for a little while.

  15. If I had a million dollars… I would pay off my school loans and my mortgage. Then I would pay my parents’ debts and mortgage.

    After that – I would fly my sister and her boyfriend into Orlando, from Massachusetts, and take a cruise with them and a few select friends as a celebration. I would find a job that would allow me to do what I loved – even if I wouldn’t get 40 hours a week!

    I would decorate my home to be welcoming as well as productive. That way, I could write more and even get a dog to keep me company when my boyfriend and other friends are at work.

    I’m sure that there is plenty else that I would do, but I would have to actually have the money to do them!!

  16. If I had a million dollars…I would start describing the prices for everything in dollars. A milion dollars doesn’t sound so exciting converted into pounds, so I’d avoid it!

  17. If I had a million dollars… I would stay exactly the same. I would probably smile more, but other than that I wouldn’t change a thing.

  18. If I had a million dollars … I’d have about £500,000. Enough for fun, but not enough to retire on, or to buy a house in London. But it would certainly help!

  19. If I had a million dollars I would I would invest 500K to supplement my income so I could be home with my wife and kids. The other 500K I would invest in various non-profit organizations.

  20. If I had a million dollars . . . I might be able to buy all the books I want to read. But first, I’d make sure to pay off current debt.

  21. If I had a million dollars… I would pay off my debt, buy a house near the ocean and get a black lab. I would spend my days probably the same way I do now, crafting and perusing internet and, of course, walking my dog on the beach!

  22. …I’d be rich.

  23. If I had a million dollars … I would create more jobs out of my sites thus creating more wealth around me.

    I’m practical this way :D

  24. If I had a million dollars … I’d have a million dollars.

  25. Sharon says: 10/06/2007 at 4:25 am

    If I had a million dollars I’d pay off my debt, buy a small horse farm and hire a maid.

  26. If I had a million dollars I’d take Darren Rowse out to lunch at McDonald’s and let him buy anything he wanted to off the dollar menu. Then I’d take my wife out to dinner at Wendy’s and let her get anything she wanted…because I’m generous and I am now the owner of a million dollars.

    Then I’d buy Neosporin to put on my face where my wife slapped me.

  27. If I had a million dollars…I’d produce a new fantasy tv-series.

  28. If I had a million dollars…I’d quit my job.

  29. If I had a million dollars i would travel around the world with my laptop…

  30. If I had a million dollars… i would give 200k to my friends and for charity and 800k on my bank account with 5%+ every month. And in 15years i would be back at 1000k so i would give more money to friends and to charity.

  31. If I had a million dollars I’d first buy Problogger and then hold a give away to giveaway the rest!

  32. If I had a million dollars it would definitely become at least 1.3 million dollars within a year :)

  33. florian says: 10/06/2007 at 4:32 am

    If I had a million dollars…
    I still couldn’t afford a million beers


  34. If I had a million dollars… I would have a million dollars.

  35. If I had a million dollars…
    my kids would get the best education money can buy – then we’d retire.

  36. If I had a million dollars… I’d try to manage it so that I could comfortably live off the interest and never touch the principal.

  37. Chuck says: 10/06/2007 at 4:41 am

    If I had a million dollars…

    I’d pay off my student loans, which are rapidly approaching that amount.

  38. Edina Smit says: 10/06/2007 at 4:41 am

    If I had a million dollars…I would buy iPod touch, which i didn’t win on previous contest:D

  39. If I had a million I would blog all day long. Half a day just isn’t enough! ;)

  40. If I had a million dollars…I would kick my boss in the ass.

  41. If I had a million dollars, I would try my hardest to make it grow.

  42. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a nice chunk of Texas land and build a family resort. Hubby and I could have the big central house, with cabins on the outskirts for our grown children and their families if they choose to live or vacation near us.
    I guess we’d have to set aside some of the loot for property tax…

  43. If I had a million dollars, I would blog full time and make it grow.

  44. If I had a million dollars…I would pay for my college education and the college education of others.

  45. If I had a million dollars… I would pay off all my own bills and then set up a trust fund so my mother would never have to worry about money again as long as she lived.

    Then I’d take a trip up the Nile.

  46. if i had a million dollars, i would first pay off all debt, set up investments and funding so my money made money, and then from there buy my house in the middle of nowhere with fast internet and work online blogging about whatever i want, instead of just topics that pay :-D

  47. If I had a million dollars, I would retire in a beach house on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. I could spend my days blogging, hoping a million dollars could entertain children as well as it coud myself!

    $501, or even $300, would be a nice start though :-)

  48. If I had a million dollars…I would probably stop entering contests. Or not, because it’s fun!

  49. If I had a million dollars, I would pay off my $110,000 in student loans, buy a house, and put the rest towards my retirement. Oh yeah, and I’d also buy a black ferrari. I can’t be too practical.

  50. If I had a million dollars… I’d buy my family the home they deserve.

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