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Why Kissing a Digital Baby is Better than Back-scratching a Super-famous Blogger

Posted By Guest Blogger 2nd of February 2012 Miscellaneous Blog Tips 0 Comments

 This guest post is by  Shamelle Perera of Better Blogging Ways.

By now, it’s been engraved into every bloggers mind that relationships are the foundation of building a successful blog.

Then, there is this “hush hush” unwritten law, “You should build strong relationships with established pro bloggers or blogosphere influences! Their links are like gold; a tweet or Facebook like will bring you a tsunami of visitors to your blog.”

(Don’t get me wrong. This post is not a rebel rant against pro bloggers. I respect them dearly, and the work they’ve done to rise up to that level.)

Yes, it’s true that one tweet or Facebook Like from these super famous bloggers can flood your blog with visitors. However,  there are so many newbie bloggers trying to get the attention of such bloggers. It can be a difficult, if not an impossible endeavor to get on their radars. Even if you get an ounce of their attention, it might still be short-lived.

So, forget the pros (for a moment!)

Kiss plenty of digital babies

I first heard about the term, “kissing digital babies” from Stanford over at PushingSocial. For the benefit of those of you who go astray when you see the word “kissing,” Digital Babies = newbie bloggers.

Srini from BlogCastFM, goes on to say, “Emerging talent is the most undervalued asset in the blogosphere”. I couldn’t agree more.  There are really good undiscovered digital babies out there.

Whenever I see a newbie blogger who offers a different perspective (unlike the same rehashed content we see everywhere!), I don’t hesitate to promote that blog/blogger. I don’t expect anything in return. It’s just my way of saying, “Thank you”.

“Why?” you ask.

Even digital babies can teach you a thing or two

In my post, How Blogging Daddies Got Blogging Advice From Their Adorable Toddlers it was quite evident that even pro bloggers still learn from their kids.

Did you ever think that a pro blogger such as Darren Rowse could learn about blogging from his adorable toddler?

The same principal applies here. A newbie blogger may offer some new inspiration, or maybe you’ll learn a small thing which you had no idea about before. So don’t dismiss a newbie blogger easily.

“Build baby build!”

Seth Godin said, “Build baby build!” In his book Tribes, Seth encourages you to create your own tribe and look for people to join your tribe, rather than trying to join other established tribes.

Be on the lookout for digital babies who are searching for new tribes to join. With every digital baby kissed, there is potential of finding a new reader—a new member for your tribe.

Digital babies can form your new loyal audience

Digital babies will have more time on their hands to engage with you than will a super-busy famous blogger. This will mean that a digital baby will read more of your blog posts and see the value you offer. Who knows—they might even buy one of your products!

On helping…

Having said all this, I need to mention that you shouldn’t help someone with the intention of getting something in return. Help because you think it’s the right thing to do; help because you want to genuinely see the newbie blogger progress further; help because you can use your influence and pay it forward. Surely someone helped you be where you are today?

Hopefully this post inspired you to you to do something nice for a newbie blogger. Before you walk away just take five minutes to find a digital baby you can kiss. Look through your blog comments, RSS reader, guest posts, and backlinks.

See what you can do to help, and how much time you can spend. For example, perhaps you can allocate five minutes each week for a comment, retweet, etc. over the next month. Or perhaps there’s a post that resonated with you, and which deserves a backlink from your blog?

Are you convinced? Is kissing a digital baby better than back scratching a super famous blogger? When developing relationships with other bloggers, what has been your strategy?

Shamelle Perera is a full-time search engine mechanic and a part time blogger. If you are looking for thoughtful, actionable blogging tips with a fresh perspective checkout her blog, Better Blogging Ways Follow her on Twitter @BetterBloggingW, you won’t be bored!

About Guest Blogger
This post was written by a guest contributor. Please see their details in the post above.
  1. Ha, a great post but and even more amazing title.

    For better or worse, I’ve added a few terms to my blogging lingo today, heh =)

  2. This post really makes a lot of sense, Shamelle. Pro bloggers are really busy and may not have time to view and respond to the things that you send them and this is definitely understandable. I’ve been working on finding bloggers in the same stages of there blogging careers as me and so far it seems to be working out pretty well.

  3. Really enjoyed the read Shamelle!

    I think you can really apply this to any business. It’s better to make contact and build a relationship with a small business and help each other rather than trying to make contact with one department of a Fortune 500 company who will barely have the time for you!! Great article!

  4. I have a rule that if it’s good content then I will happily share it, regardless of the original source. I keep seeing twitter streams and all of their shared links seem to come from the same few sources – yes certain people in the niche will consistently produce good content, but everyone already knows about them! If you share someone new then it’s new to everyone, and who doesn’t like new stuff?

  5. Fantastic post and a much needed message in the blogosphere. With the amount of work that goes in to trying to get the attention of a blogging god (or goddess), we can probably help out (and get helped by) 1000 digital babies who become loyal, raving fans (especially if we help their blog in return).

  6. I think I qualify as a Digital Baby :-)
    On a serious note, you are pretty right. Big bloggers often look new bloggers as newbies for their entire blogging career but they need to accept that he might be needing some help.

  7. great message Shamelle, sometimes we get so caught up in tried ways that we forget to tap into the rising waives. I agree with your message.

  8. Ha! Kissing Digital Babies needs to be put on a t-shirt! Excellent post Shamelle.

  9. Great peice, Fully agree with your sentiments….babies are the future..they need the support and encouragement..this is a way of paying forward…..

  10. This is a great point. Often I think blog/social media newbies get deflated because the “All-Stars” won’t interact with them. Reaching out and kissing a digital baby can create great conversations and relationships that serve both sides.

  11. great stuff. I am trying to work on this.

  12. I love the ethos behind this post. I blog about filmmaking and I initially met a lot of resistance from established pros in the industry who wanted to know why I bothered to write about the most obvious topics.

    The reasoning is that at some point you, too, had all the questions and none of the answers. Someone has to reach down and help pull you up in both filmmaking and blogging.

    It’s important to never forget where you come from.

    I remember when I first started reaching out to other bloggers early on in the life of my website and I’ll never forget the bitter taste left in my mouth when they wouldn’t respond or acknowledge me. Conversely, I’m forever grateful to the ones who did take the time to help me out.

    “Pay it forward” is a a great philosophy and message to push out there. And helping out the newbies will increase your reputation in so many good ways.

    Bravo on the post, Shamelle!

    • Thanks for sharing your story Evan. I guess sometimes, others may feel threatened when you are gradually becoming a rising star and the road to success is not always a straight forward path.
      Glad to here that you’ve continued through it all to be where you are today.
      Awesome blog btw.

  13. Yes! Kiss us digital babies! LOL. That post title put a very bizarre image in my head, but intrigued me. LOL. I’ve been blogging for a year so I’m probably closer to a digital toddler, but I definitely still consider myself a noob in a lot of ways. The supre famous bloggers are helpful, but it’s definitely nice to chat with newer bloggers and talk about your struggles and your journey together.

  14. I am trying to build my own tribe but I’m doing that by offering help and expecting nothing in return. Digital babies are usually appreciative of the time you give and any help you offer. Thank you for this post Shamelle, it came right on time for me.

  15. Kiss Me! Kiss Me! Kiss Me!!
    I’ll kiss back and I am fantastic kisser – at least that is why my husband says. ;)

    …or at least, kiss me in a couple of weeks when I formally launch my blog (lol).

  16. Gary Zhang says: 02/02/2012 at 4:07 pm

    This post worth a lot of money and it opened my eyes. What a smart and super right idea. A win-win to build a happy family with digital babies. I’m new to this blog but I fall in love with it.


  17. Thats a good tip. As quite new to the blogging world I don’t really get lots of view and its nice that people out there actually care that new bloggers are putting up stuff worth reading

    http://www.blacksubdivision.wordpress.com :D

  18. I am newbie in blogging arena and i should follow this post for my blog site. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Very fresh insights. I am realising that for my growing Business and tech information blog we can build a lot of traction and followership with small businesses.

    Great piece

    • Thanks Paul. Yes, this approach can be applied to small businesses too however, it may be a bit more competitive in a business scenario as everyone is trying to get ahead and collaboration may be low.

  20. Well Shamelle, I certainly kiss a lot of digital babies I can honestly say.

    I’m a big softy when it comes to newbies. I remember being so lost when I first started that I love helping anyone who asks. Like you said though, we can definitely learn a lot from them as well. I’ve met some that are very knowledgeable in areas I don’t do that well in and they’ve been more than happy to help me and give me advice as well. To me that’s how it should be. We should all be here to help each other and grow together.

    I love the headline as well and you definitely peaked my curiosity. Glad I stopped by and checked it out. Thanks for sharing it with me and great job.


  21. I know all too well how helpful you have been to me. Thanks for kissing this digital baby. It really means a lot to me to hear your encouraging comments.

  22. Quite an interesting article indeed!

    I can really identify with it as I have personally experienced firsthand that making connections with the established players in any industry vertical is REALLY difficult!!!!

    As top bloggers or star performers are ALWAYS hounded with connection/networking requests they tend to build this WALL around themselves – primarily to shield from unwanted onslaught on their privacy. Unfortunately in the process they ignore some genuine people too!!!

    For the ‘newbies’ the trick is not fall into the blind trap of jumping into the fray of ‘admirers’ – carve a niche of your own and network with like minded people like yourself. Let the ‘biggies’ take notice of you – apply PULL rather PUSH effort in making connections.

    The article aptly illustrates the fact that even the top bloggers can too learn a thing or two from the newbies!!!

    As the saying goes – You STOP learning when You STOP breathing :)

  23. Oh yes Everyone should also try to build their own tribe rather than only following other well established tribes because their own community can help increase their authority

  24. Interesting post. It’s always nice to meet new bloggers who are friendly and enjoy a conversation.

  25. Thanks – digital babies was a new and interesting term for me. Networking is key to success.

  26. I normally read ProBlogger via RSS, but I clicked through just to comment on this post!

    This essentially is how I’ve done things since I started my blog about 9 months ago. I basically made a habit of simply reaching out to every new blog that popped up in my niche as soon as I’ve found them. I established connections with the bloggers as well as linked to their site.

    Pretty much everyone linked back to me. Some of the sites went nowhere, but others have grown (as has my site). This has lead to not only links back to my site on good quality sites, but also excellent guest posting opportunities.

    More importantly, the relationships built while I myself am a baby have been an amazing source of support and learning. I’m a big fan of being inclusive of new blogs!

    • Thanks for specifically heading over to ProBlogger and sharing your experience.

      It’s one thing to just read about kissing digital baby. But to know that you’ve already tried this approach and it worked for your, that’s truly amazing.

  27. Loved the post, very unique voice :)

    Scratching the back of big names is good for exposure but kissing the babies is great for converting.

  28. Absolutely, relationships have to be build to make links lasting. Also, it is like a pyramid scheme, the one who get’s in at the bottom floor stands to get the most.

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