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How to Revitalize Your Blog Content When You Feel You’ve Covered It All

How to Revitalize Your Blog Content When You Feel You've Covered It All

Maintaining Momentum in Blogging Series

Have you ever found yourself staring at your blog, wondering what on earth to write about next?

You might think you’ve explored every angle of your topic, leaving no stone unturned. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

Many bloggers encounter this challenge, especially after the initial excitement fades, usually between 6 to 12 months into their blogging journey. This feeling of having “said it all” can be discouraging, but it’s far from the end of the road.

The Myth of Exhausted Topics:

The feeling that you’ve covered every topic under the sun is a common misconception among bloggers. Rather than viewing your blog archives as a completed checklist, I encourage you to see them as a goldmine of untapped potential. Your past posts are not just remnants of your blogging journey; they’re stepping stones to deeper, more enriched content. Here’s why:

  1. Depth Over Breadth: Topics, especially in dynamic fields like blogging, are never truly “done.” Just as you grow and evolve, so do your topics and your niche. What was relevant a year ago may have new implications today, and your understanding of certain concepts has likely deepened. This evolution is a perfect opportunity to revisit old subjects with fresh eyes and new insights.
  2. New Readers, Fresh Perspectives: Your audience is continually changing, with new readers discovering your blog every day. These new followers haven’t journeyed through your archives; to them, your older content is brand new. Revisiting past topics can introduce your newer audience to valuable insights they’ve missed, while also giving you the chance to update and refine your earlier views.

As a result of these two factors you should see your archives of old posts not only as a collection of your previous thoughts but as a springboard for new ones.

I regularly scan through old posts for ideas for future ones. I particularly look for posts that I either disagree with (due to a change of perspective) or posts that I think I could go deeper with. Sometimes I link back to my old posts to show the progression of thinking but on many occasions I simply write them as standalone new content.

I often talk about how blogging is conversational in the way it lends itself to interactions between blogger and readers (as well as between bloggers). Here’s 3 Simple Ways to Make Your Blog Posts More Conversational.

Strategies for Leveraging Your Archives:

Turning your archives into a source of inspiration can transform the way you approach content creation. Here are some practical strategies to get you started:

  • Audit Your Archives: Dive into your past posts and identify which topics could be updated, expanded upon, or even challenged. Look for posts that once sparked lively discussions or those that continue to draw attention. These are perfect candidates for a follow-up.
  • Disagree With Your Past Self: As you evolve, so do your opinions and strategies. If you find posts that no longer align with your current views, write a rebuttal. This not only demonstrates your growth but also encourages readers to engage in the evolving conversation.
  • Deep Dive Into Complex Topics: Some subjects can’t be fully covered in a single post. Identify previous topics that could benefit from a more detailed exploration. Breaking down complex ideas into multiple posts or series can provide tremendous value to your readers.
  • Introduce New Formats: Revisiting a topic doesn’t mean you have to stick to the same format. If your initial post was text-heavy, consider creating an infographic, video, or podcast episode to explore the subject from a different angle.
  • Encourage Reader Participation: Invite your audience to suggest topics they’d like to see revisited or expanded upon. This not only gives you direct insight into what your readers find valuable but also fosters a sense of community and engagement.

Here’s more about looking after and updating your archives.

Feeling like you’ve covered every possible topic in your niche is a sign that it’s time to revisit your archives, not a signal to give up. By viewing your past content as a foundation for growth and development, you can continue to produce engaging, relevant, and valuable posts for your audience. Remember, the key to maintaining blogging momentum is not always about finding something new to say but finding new ways to say it.

When you treat your archives as a living part of your blog that can be revisited over time you actually take the conversation into a new realm – talking to yourself. While ‘talking to yourself’ might sound a little strange (my mum always said it was the first sign of madness) I think its actually one of the first signs of a maturing blogger who is taking their blog to a new level by refining their thoughts on a topic. It’s through this refining process that real wisdom and expertise surfaces.

Without revisiting your previous thoughts or ideas you run the risk of becoming stagnant and limit your own growth in your chosen field.

Action Plan:

Start today by taking a leisurely stroll through your blog’s archives. What hidden gems can you find? How can your past self inspire your future content? Let the journey of rediscovery fuel your next great post.

  • What do you see there that is out of date?
  • What old posts do you disagree with?
  • Where could you go deeper?
  • What older posts might your newer readers have never seen?

If you’re still struggling, one of my favorite techniques in business for organising my thoughts, helping me to review, plan and organise my business and to think creatively and generate loads of ideas is to use mind mapping – listen to this podcast episode to hear how I do it.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Indeed. I’ve got 900 some posts here, and in the last couple of months I’ve had occasion to refer back to posts 2 and 3! (Post 1 being Hello World.) Sometimes I even surprise myself with what’s in my archives.

  2. Never assume current readers have read everything you’ve written

    This is most certainly something that I have to keep reminding myself. An example of something similar exists in that I started blogging around the time when many “standards development” bloggers started, and many of that group seemed to have done the rounds and started talking about other things and then eventually just stopped talking (posting). Time to rethink a few things, I think. Thanks Darren!

  3. Just a few quick comments.
    Whenever I get stuck for content to my blog, I do 2 things:
    1. Spend some time reading other blogs and sites. That does not mean copying content but rather getting new ideas and angles on which a post can be based.
    2. Expand a commnet. I use CoComment to track my comments over other blogs. I frequently check my comments and responses to them and sometimes follow up on my comments (if rellevant to my blog) and referring to the origin site.

  4. Luckily my Office Humor Blog’s main feature is funny work related news, and as such, new news is always happening. I think this is a key thing to think about when starting a blog. Big blogs like those big tech blogs can always count on new technology news to report on, so their content will never dry up.

    However, I can see with sites, such as problogger, that it’d be harder to keep posting new things if most of the content isn’t from news (though somehow Darren pulls it off).

    My blog always has a joke of the day feature, which I can see that drying up someday, though there are so many free work jokes out there it’d be hard to reach the end of it all.

    For new blogs I may start up, it’s definitely something I think about, constant sources of content are crucial.

  5. Good info. Doesn’t really apply to me though, because my blog is about just about anything that pops into my head, so I can never run out of content!

  6. I consider my archives in two ways .. a) my library, and b) my deposits into my bank of blog monetization.

    It’s a different mindset …. if you consider your blog as a conversation, or as a research vehicle, then the possibilities are endless.

  7. I think when you feel you have found everything YOU THINK there is to say, you have a unique opportunity. That situation forces you to go deeper. For instance, there are likely chances you would have never written this post if you hadn’t come across that situation yourself. I think it forces you to begin asking more real questions.

    Maybe early on you write article about the questions you THINK everyone is asking. But as you exhaust those options, you start asking the real questions YOU have been asking.

    Of course, I guess it is also likely this could work in reverse for some bloggers.

    See … I don’t know what I’m talking about. :-)


  8. I recently began running a “classic post” section on the front page of my site (it appears just below the top two posts). It displays excerpts from five randomly selected old posts.

    The idea is that many of my site’s readers haven’t explored the archives and haven’t been reading non-stop since day one — there are literally hundreds of topics hidden within the site, and only about 5% of people visit the archives.

    The result so far is promising – a slight but noticable bump in the number of pages visited, along with more frequent comments on six month old posts.

  9. Thanks Darren, Really a nice post.

    Keep up the great job

  10. Hey Darren,

    I have done that myself, but sometimes I run into posts that are months old that are still getting hits from SE’s.

    I’m not sure how to handle that. I know I can update a topic, but if the original is still getting hits?


  11. TankWash says: 05/20/2006 at 6:49 am

    use that dry period as a spring board that takes you to a new level–it’s your cue!

  12. I have been blogging for 18 months and haven’t yet hit a serious bout of bloggers block. I sometimes feel tired and don’t want to think. I think diving back into your archives is an excellent idea and one I haven’t really had to do yet.

    I talk to myself sometimes. Well… I guess it is more of reading outloud. It is when you talk to yourself and you start answering your own questions is when I really need to pull the plug on the thing and just walk away for at least a couple hours.

  13. My blog is an online discussion group about food and eating and other health issues. And every morning I start the day with something inspiring (I hope)

    I try to balance addressing people who are just at the beginning of taking care of their health with addressing people who’ve been slogging away and are starting to be tired of it. It’s an interesting challenge first thing in the morning. And I know I do better some days than others.

    I was interested to learn that one day when I posted something I wasn’t happy about and asked if I should delete it or replace it, the overwhelming response was that it was the most inspiring thing I’d written for a while. So now I just try to be myself and write what seems important that day.

    Now that I’m using performancing’s statistics, I can see what articles are being read. When I see clusters of topics (being read) for several days in a row, I figure it’s time to look at that topic again.

  14. Or you could do a 24 hour blogging marathon.


  15. Wow, this post is so timely; I decided *yesterday* that I was going to start reintroducing old posts for exactly the reasons you cited! The thing is, since I have a year’s worth of stuff on similar topics, I’m grouping the links of them in one post, weaving the thread of how the different posts fit together.

    Another thing: (important) In order to improve my SEO, I’m naming these grouped topic posts using the most likely search phrases. I had unknowingly done one post like this on May 4th and my traffic increased 10% (overnight) and it’s continuing to increase steadily (now a 20% increase as of two weeks ago). I did another post like this this morning on the topic of how to sell to clothing stores and grouped all of the pertinant posts over the past year into it. I’m unofficially calling it my “newbie refresher” series.

    Thanks for the validation. I was feeling a little guilty over my “laziness”.

  16. Lucky for me, there’s new marketing news every second.
    I think everyone needs a bit of a holiday from blogging from time to time.
    I preload when I’m in a groove and then ride that preload when I’m in a rut.

  17. wow! another great post, I am in the ‘dry season’ so to speak, I haven’t posted a new entry in the last 4 days, *sighs* Oh well, I’m just going to follow your tip and dig around my archives.

  18. Bloggers should never feel that they are short of ideas. Once they have started with it the ideas keep pouring out.
    Ya agreed that one can scan old posts and get whole lot of ideas for future.
    Always keep digging on……..

  19. Thanks for the post, It’s true, sometime you write something, and the day after you have a new opinion of the subject.

    I was thinkinmeg of editing the post, as it happened to me last week, but I’ll post my new opinion on the subject instead.

  20. Fortunately, I write about Asian Business and I analyse the latest developments and that is why I think that I will not have this problem. On the other hand, those who think that they have written everyting they know about the topic of their blog- my advice is that try to relate other topics related to this matter and then write about it. For example, suppose your blog is about the famous poet John Keats and you have written everything you know. Then write about the Greek themes the poet he used in his poetry and thus it will kepe you going for another one year.

  21. […] Darren Rowse made a nice post about running out of material on your blog. It’s not hard to imagine how this can happen, especially in a narrow niche. But as Darren points out, the argument is not as easy as you’d expect. I guess one of the main things I notice about blogging is that the material is completely time-sensitive. It’s a lot more accurate to look at a blog as a magazine, then it is to think of a static website in the same way. People don’t expect all content websites to update often, but they do expect blogs to. […]

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