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Strategic Blogging – Vision and Goals

This post belongs to the Strategic Blogging Series.


Having answered questions about why we blog (mission) and setting some boundaries for our behavior in doing so (Values) it’s now time to be a little more concrete in our big picture thinking. Where are you headed with your blogging? More specifically:

What is your objective for your blogging in the next three years?

Now three years might seem a long way away (and perhaps one or two years might be a better time frame to set objectives for in the ever changing field of blogging) but look beyond the near future and ask yourself questions about vision.

We’re now narrowing down the mission that we have into some more measurable and specific things to aim for in the long term. Don’t get too specific (we’ll get there) but make it concrete.

For example – your mission might be to make a living from blogging but your vision for three years time might be to be a full time blogger that need not do any other work.

Make your objective/s (don’t come up with too many) big enough to be inspiring but realistic enough to be achievable. They should probably come out of or at least relate to your mission.

Take some time to plot some longer term objectives for your blogging.


For each objective that you’ve mentioned you now should be breaking things down into smaller achievable goals. Perhaps this strategic plan is a little pedantic here and adds too many steps (hence I’ve added Vision and Goals together) but the basics of what we’re doing with goal setting is breaking down the big picture into smaller achievable parts.

In setting goals you might like to ask:

How will we know we have achieved our objective (vision)?

For each objective there will probably be multiple goals that signal it has been reached. For example if the vision is to be working full time in blogging in 3 years the goals might be to ‘quit from current job’ (once a certain earning level from blogging is reached), be earning $XXXX per month regularly by a certain time.

In a sense we’re breaking down our objectives into bite sized parts that can be ticked off one at a time as they are reached as stepping stones to a larger vision.

Read the rest of the Strategic Blogging Series.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. […] en in this series so far are: Strategic Blogging – Mission Strategic Blogging – Values Strategic Blogging – Vision and Goals


  2. […] ; to me about it and poured a little fuel on the fire. Later on in the day, Darren posted “Strategic Blogging – Vision and Goals.” He […]

  3. This is all good business planning Darren … well done on this series – it’s going to help a lot of bloggers (new and old) get a better focus.

    My 3-Year Goals:
    As I see the blogging hype going away (good) there will be much less, but more highly dedicated bloggers making good money – I want/ expect to be a part of that.

    How will I know I achieved my objective? Easy: I’m a full-time blogger making enough money to buy/pay off a mortgage for a house and earn at least (and even better, more) than I did from my previous job $45k

    But that’s the big picture – as you said, now I have to drill it down into little bite-sized bits so that I can get there.

  4. Thank you for helping me put together a manageable plan. I have now set myself up for success with quantifiable and achievable goals.

  5. Nice resources Darren

  6. What is your objective for your blogging in the next three years?

    The goal I have for my blogging career for the next three years is within the next year to have over 1,000 visitors a day and to have more than 1,000 RSS subscribers to also have a steady flow of income from my blog whether that be $10 or $10,000 as long as its steady and increasing.

    The three year goal is to have over 3,000 visitors daily, to be regarded as a reputable source for SEO tutorials and internet marketing in general. To have over 10,000 RSS Subscribers and to have a large enough flow of income for me and my girlfriend to take a year off after University to travel before we settle down.

    This is not a dream but the reality of my goal whether I succeed is down to the aims that I set down to ensure I stick to this path.

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